Hi All,

I'm trying to figure out when does the "cron  schedule" get used that I can
configure on the MessageProcessor?

The logic that I think is happening is - if the message fails to get sent
'retry' number of times then it's put to the dead letter queue (or DLC as
its called in qpid) . The Message Processor then looks at the DLC based on
when the cron job tells it to?

If this logic is correct (?)  then I have a number of other questions

1) what if this cron job is not set - does the message remain on the DLQ?
2) Where is the DLQ defined  to synapse/the message processor so that it
knows where to go?
3) What if the message gets removed from the DLC for some reason (manually
or otherwise)? Do we fail quietly or log it somewhere?
4) What if other messages from other parts of the ESB get put to the DLQ ?
How does the MessageProcessor know which messages are for it?

many thanks for your help !

John Hawkins
Director: Solutions Architecture
Dev mailing list

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