The WSO2 DAS team is pleased to announce the second beta release of WSO2
DAS 3.0.0. The distribution is available for download here

The release includes the following bug fixes, improvements, and tasks over
the previous release:


   - [DAS-8 <>] - Analytics Data Backup
   Tool requires DAS to be shut down when H2 database is used
   - [DAS-9 <>] - NPE When Starting and
   Stopping Server Configured for HBase
   - [DAS-11 <>] - Facet search is not
   working for the tables created by spark scripts
   - [DAS-12 <>] - Line breaks in
   scripts cause Spark query execution failure
   - [DAS-16 <>] - Cannot simulate
   facets values with numbers
   - [DAS-18 <>] - Other data types are
   not converted to String type when indexing as FACET
   - [DAS-22 <>] -
   ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient
   cannot be found by solr_5.0.0.wso2v1 exception was thrown when shutting
   down the server
   - [DAS-23 <>] - Exception when forced
   server shutdown
   - [DAS-32 <>] -
   ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream cannot be
   found by spark-core_2.10_1.4.0.wso2v2
   - [DAS-35 <>] - Add DB2 based spark
   jdbc dialect to use DB2 OOB.
   - [DAS-36 <>] - Spark Jdbc table's
   username and password options are not picked correctly.
   - [DAS-37 <>] - SQL query with
   quatation marks fails
   - [DAS-38 <>] - Facets doesn't work
   with the new Kryo integration
   - [DAS-40 <>] - Some JARs in Spark
   class path are outdated
   - [DAS-41 <>] - RuntimeException whn
   running a Spark query caused by Kryo serialization
   - [DAS-42 <>] - Proper stack traces
   are not shown in the spark console
   - [DAS-50 <>] - DAS clustering -
   Spark master failover recovery is not working
   - [DAS-55 <>] - Large Amount of Data
   Processing with Spark SQL Taking Too Much Time on RDBMS
   - [DAS-56 <>] - [Carbon JDBC
   Connector]Generic exception for invalid values
   - [DAS-58 <>] - null pointer
   exception when running Spark queries in (nohup) cluster mode
   - [DAS-60 <>] - Indexing fails with
   continuous indexing exception when simulating a facet field with incorrect
   data format
   - [DAS-65 <>] - in Interactive
   Analytics Console when following query excuted throws Class cannot be
   created (missing no-arg constructor): java.util.Arrays$ArrayList
   - [DAS-66 <>] - Cassandra data
   migration not working for large data set
   - [DAS-67 <>] - UI doesnt show column
   indexing properly
   - [DAS-68 <>] - Cannot access
   persisted tables from execution plans
   - [DAS-69 <>] - [Dashboard] Configure
   chart throws error if the datasource wasn't selected.
   - [DAS-72 <>] - [Dashboard] cannot
   click on close botton on the roles added in the settings page of the
   - [DAS-78 <>] - Reset button in the
   data explorer doesn't reset the search results.
   - [DAS-79 <>] - [Dashboard]
   [Multitenancy] Cannot login as tenant to the analytics dashboard
   - [DAS-80 <>] - [Dashboard]
   [Multitenancy] CApp deplyed in tenant deploys the artifact in super tenant
   - [DAS-82 <>] - [Spark] SORT BY
   clause is not working as expected
   - [DAS-83 <>] - Events published to
   DAS become duplicate
   - [DAS-84 <>] - Data source is not
   loaded while generating gadgets
   - [DAS-94 <>] - [Dashboard]
   [Multitenancy] Create dashboard in the tenant mode is ending up on error
   - [DAS-95 <>] - [Dashboard] Remove
   the Next button where there is no following operation expected.
   - [DAS-97 <>] - Dashboard graph axes
   become randomly reversed
   - [DAS-98 <>] -
   ConcurrentModificationException when running multiple spark queries
   - [DAS-99 <>] - OOM in DAS while data
   publishing with new publisher
   - [DAS-102 <>] - [DAS] Error when
   execute "insert overwrite" query using CarbonJDBC
   - [DAS-105 <>] - SPARK_CLASSPATH
   variable can not be set in the windows env
   - [DAS-109 <>] - WARN messages in
   the log when deploying a CAR with DAS artefacts
   - [DAS-110 <>] - custom wso2 server
   startup scripts are not copied intermittently when building the product


   - [DAS-2 <>] - Upgrade Carbon version
   to 4.4.1
   - [DAS-5 <>] - Connection transients
   received from the Carbon datasource should not be closed by the HBase RS
   and FS
   - [DAS-6 <>] - Avoid computing of
   region splits in the HBase recordstore when numPartitionsHint is 1
   - [DAS-7 <>] - Add support for
   limiting records by number of in HBase Analytics Datasource
   - [DAS-15 <>] - Move chart title to
   the top in "create-gadget" step in Dashboards
   - [DAS-17 <>] - Data migration should
   happen batchwise.
   - [DAS-30 <>] - create a custom RDBMS
   JDBC Carbon Spark Connector
   - [DAS-54 <>] - upgrade spark to 1.4.1
   - [DAS-59 <>] - enable custom table
   exists and delete queries for CarbonJDBC
   - [DAS-61 <>] - Add Kryo support for
   the analytics-migrate tool
   - [DAS-62 <>] - Implement Suitable
   JDBC dialects for MySQL, Oracle and Postgres
   - [DAS-71 <>] - [Dashboard] Remove
   additional home page option in dashboard where the dashboard name also
   points to the same landing page
   - [DAS-73 <>] - [Dashboard] Analytics
   dashboard link in management console should redirect to portal/ page than
   - [DAS-81 <>] - [Dashboard] Unable to
   specify the number of columns that are required to be shown in gadget
   - [DAS-88 <>] - Make pagination
   support configurable for RDBMS datasources
   - [DAS-96 <>] - load jars from the
   $CARBON_HOME in &
   - [DAS-101 <>] - put a system prop
   to enable/ disable spark query execution time
   - [DAS-104 <>] - Make
   cacheTimeoutSeconds and cacheSizeBytes configurable


   - [DAS-1 <>] - Add cipher tool to DAS
   - [DAS-3 <>] - Add a sample to DAS
   based on smart home devices
   - [DAS-4 <>] - changing the message
   console name to data explorer
   - [DAS-13 <>] - Moving JMX agent from
   carbon-analytics repo to carbon-analytics-common
   - [DAS-57 <>] - Move tenant-mgt.xml
   from conf/multitenancy to conf
   - [DAS-86 <>] - Add API Statistics
   Realtime Sample
   - [DAS-100 <>] - Switch port offset
   range to 700 for DAS integration tests
   - [DAS-103 <>] - create windows
   shell scripts for the spark shell scripts
   - [DAS-106 <>] - Create Windows
   Batch scripts for Migrate and Backup tools

The documentation for the DAS 3.0.0 release can be found at the WSO2 DAS
3.0.0 Documentation

Issues could be reported at the WSO2 DAS Issue Tracking
<> page. When reporting issues, please be
kind enough to set the affected version as DAS 3.0.0-Beta2.

We value your feedback, and suggestions are welcome.

WSO2 DAS Development Team.

[*] Download: 

[*] Distribution MD5 sum: 93549b4ef57070631ed9fb0f589c901c.

[*] Documentation:

[*] Issue reporting:

Gokul Balakrishnan
Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2, Inc.
Mob: +94 77 593 5789 | +1 650 272 9927
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