Hi Nadeesha,

We could reproduce the scenario. Please raise a Jira for this. The number
you are getting in the travelocity app is the numeric id associated with
the email account. If we don't set a Subject Claim URI this will get as the
default value. We will fix it as to display the email address as the
default one when we don't set a  Subject Claim URI.


Hasanthi Dissanayake

Software Engineer | WSO2

E: hasan...@wso2.com <nirosh...@wso2.com>
M :0718407133| http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Nadeesha Meegoda <nadees...@wso2.com>

> Hi IS team,
> I setup the federated setup for the above scenario and added custom claims
> mapped with wso2 claims. Resource in [1] to get the claims supported by
> Google OpenID-connect
> "claims_supported": [
>   "aud",
>   "email",
>   "email_verified",
>   "exp",
>   "family_name",
>   "given_name",
>   "iat",
>   "iss",
>   "locale",
>   "name",
>   "picture",
>   "sub"
>  ]
> Steps
> 1. Added "email" custom claim and mapped it to wso2 email address claim in
> 2. Added Requested claims for wso2 email address claim in the SP
> 3. Enabled "Include Attributes in the Response Always"  in SP
> After configuring all these, still I don't seem to get the claims in
> response. Any idea about this? Sending Requested claims worked for us with
> federated scenario (SAML to SAML with two IS and Facebook as IDP to SAML)
> Also what is the reason to show a auto generated number stream as
> authenticated google username in authentication response and also as logged
> in user for travelocity? Refer the attachment.
> <saml2:NameID
> Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress">105510008867410463807</saml2:NameID>
> [1] - https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect?hl=en
> Thanks!
> --
> *Nadeesha Meegoda*
> Software Engineer - QA
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> email : nadees...@wso2.com
> mobile: +94783639540
> <%2B94%2077%202273555>
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