WSO2 App Manager-1.1.0 Released  !

WSO2 App Manager team is pleased to announce the *1.1.0* release of WSO2
App Manager.

WSO2 Application Manager (AppM) is a powerful platform for creating,
managing, consuming and monitoring web Applications.It combines tried and
tested SOA best practices with modern day Application provisioning,
management principles, governing and security to solve a wide range of
enterprise challenges associated with managing many number of applications
(Mobile and Web)

You can download this distribution from

The online documentation is available at

How to Run

   1. Extract the downloaded zip
   2. Go to the bin directory in the extracted folder
   3. Run the or wso2server.bat as appropriate
   4. Launch a web browser and navigate to https://localhost:9443/publisher to
   access the App Publisher
   5. Navigate to https://localhost:9443/store to access the App Store
   6. Navigate to https://localhost:9443/admin-dashboard to access Admin
   7. Use "admin", "admin" as the username and password to login as an admin

New Features in WSO2 App Manager 1.1.0

   - Multi-tenanted tenant stores
   - Publish apps to external stores
   - Share apps between tenants
   - Self signup for tenant stores

Resolved Issues

   - WSO2 App Manager V1.1.0 resolved issues

Key Features in WSO2 App Manager 1.1.0Web Apps

   - Single sign on between web apps
   - Visibility control for Web apps
   - Resource level throttling for web-apps
   - URL pattern based authorization
   - XACML Policy support
   - Application Discovery Support
   - Annonymous mode web app accessing capability
   - Capability to associate comprehensive documentation to a web app
   - Enterprise subscription support in store
   - Workflow extensions support
   - Integrating with Google Analytics
   - Publishing App Manager Runtime Statistics
   - Capability to obtaining an OAuth2 token by providing SAML token
   - Wep-apps rating support for store users
   - Capability to associate tags to web-apps
   - Returning SAML response to backend
   - Capability to sort apps in store by usage
   - Multi-tenancy support

Mobile Apps

   - Supports publishing iOS, Android, Hybrid and Web apps
   - Supports publishing Enterprise and public apps in Goolge Play Store
   and Apple iTunes
   - App versioning and lifecycle management
   - Directly downloading mobile apps to relevent devices
   - Self-subscription and Self-unsubscription of apps
   - Enterprise subscription and installation support in store
   - Configurable with WSO2 device management solutions
   - Mobile-apps rating support for store users
   - Support for 3rd party device management solutions
   - Multi-tenancy support

Known Issues

All the open issues pertaining to WSO2 App Manager are reported at the
following location:

   - Known Issues <>

How You Can ContributeMailing Lists
    Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.

   -  Developer List : | Subscribe
   <> | Mail Archive
   -  User List : | Subscribe
   <> | Mail Archive

*Reporting Issues*

     We encourage you to report issues, documentation faults and feature
requests regarding WSO2 App Manager through the public App Manager JIRA
<>. You can use the Carbon JIRA
<> to     report any issues related
to the Carbon base framework or associated Carbon components.

We are committed to ensuring that your enterprise middleware deployment is
completely supported from evaluation to production. Our unique approach
ensures that all support leverages our open development methodology and is
provided by the very same engineers who build the technology.

For more details and to take advantage of this unique opportunity please

*-- The WSO2 App Manager Team --*
Dev mailing list

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