I understand that Matrics reporting it getting slow.

At the meantime whats the impact on this when it comes to Siddhi
performance ?
If Siddhi query is also getting halted for 3 sec, then this is going to be
a bigger problem.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Grainier Perera <grain...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Currently, the memory usage calculation mechanism used on a Siddhi query
> takes around 3 seconds. Therefore, when it comes to complex flow with
> several of execution plans, it takes around (# of queries * 3) seconds.
> Moreover, we have integrated carbon-metrics [1] (Gauges in this scenario)
> with CEP for metrics calculation and reporting. Therefore, if we were to
> use the same mechanism within the getValue() method of carbon-metrics
> Gauges, it will increase the reporting time consumed by scheduled reporters
> (per iteration) by ~(# of queries * 3) seconds. That might cause issues
> such as reporters does not report according to the defined PollingPeriod,
> takes a considerable amount of time to update and render Carbon Metrics UI,
> etc. Therefore, is there a way to handle such time-consuming process within
> Carbon Metrics Gauges?
> Gauge.getValue() Implementation:
> new Gauge<Long>() {
>     @Override
>     public Long getValue() {
>     *// Below process takes ~3 seconds.*
>         ObjectGraphMeasurer.Footprint footprint =
> ObjectGraphMeasurer.measure(object);
>         return MemoryMeasurerUtil.footprintSizeEstimate(footprint);
>     }
> });
> [1] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-metrics
> Thanks,
> Grainier.
> --
> Grainier Perera
> Software Engineer
> Mobile : +94716122384
> WSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware


*S. Suhothayan*
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