Hi All,

I am implementing a ParamConverter using @Provider jax-rs annotations to
convert @Path params into an enum value rather than having a string. Doing
so I will not need to convert the string param into an enum each time for
each method. Examples of usage : [1][2][3]

public Response getDestinations(@PathParam("protocol") *String* protocol) {
    // Convert the String to Enum and then use.

The above method can be converted to the following by implementing the
ParamConverter :

public Response getDestinations(@PathParam("protocol") *ProtocolType*
protocol) {}

ProtocolType being an Enum. To implement the above requirement its
necessary to use the @Provider annotation to mark the ParamConverter class.
Is it supported ? Any advice on this ?

[1] - https://github.com/mgajdos/jersey-param-converters
[2] - http://ronaldxq.blogspot.com/2013/10/jax-rs-joda-datetime.html
[3] -


Hemika Kodikara
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.
lean . enterprise . middleware

Mobile : +94777688882
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