
I'm a 3rd year Computer Engineering undergraduate student from University
of Moratuwa and I am interested in contributing to proposal 8, developing a
HTTP load balancer on top of Gateway for GSoC. I am a bit familiar with
load balancing concepts and WSO2 Gateway and I have configured and used
Ngnix as a load balancer when configuring WSO2 server clusters. And I also
did some background reading ([1], [2]) in order to gain a better
understanding of concepts behind the construction of a load balancer.

I would be grateful if you can advise me (topics and libraries that I
should look up etc), regarding how to proceed with this project. Also, can
you please elaborate a bit more about the requirements? Which load
balancing algorithms do you expect to be implemented in this project?

[1] - http://www.aosabook.org/en/nginx.html
[2] -

Thank you.

Best Regards,

*Pubudu Fernando*
Batch '12
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa
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