
I have been working on improving the existing dropins capability within the

In the utility methods I am using for dropins, I have a method which reads
in the files of a given source directory and construct OSGi Bundle
Information (BundleInfo.java

public static List<BundleInfo> getNewBundlesInfo(Path sourceDirectory)
throws IOException {
    List<BundleInfo> newBundleInfoLines = new ArrayList<>();
    if ((sourceDirectory != null) && (Files.exists(sourceDirectory))) {
        Stream<Path> children = Files.list(sourceDirectory);
        children.parallel().forEach(child -> {
            try {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Loading OSGi bundle
information from " + child);
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Successfully loaded OSGi
bundle information from " + child);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error when loading the
OSGi bundle information from " + child, e);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Invalid OSGi bundle source directory: "
+ sourceDirectory);

    return newBundleInfoLines;

Method getNewBundleInfo takes in a Path object and constructs the new
BundleInfo instance if the appropriate conditions are satisfied.

private static Optional<BundleInfo> getNewBundleInfo(Path bundlePath)
throws IOException

This method will throw an IOException in cases such as the following:
- if the JAR manifest is not found.
- if the OSGi Bundle-SymbolicName or the BundleVersion are not found

The method returns Optional.empty() if the file does not have a .jar

In the above getNewBundlesInfo method, should I throw an exception when the
loop encounters a non-OSGi JAR and stop the flow (currently, a
RuntimeException is thrown to halt the processing) or should I continue
processing the other directory files by simply issuing a warning when an
invalid file is encountered?
Chiranga Alwis,
Software Engineering Intern,
+94 77 5930497
+94 77 6368208
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