Last week had a meeting with G-Reg team (participants - Sagara, Chandana
and SameeraM) and SanjeewaM from API-M to see the current work and to get
few thing clarified. Notes of the meeting can be found in the following [1]

[1] Invitation: G-Reg extension for API-M integration design/current
prog... @ Wed May 18, 2016 2pm - 3pm (

Apart from that following are the the finished work and TODOs left

   - Handler is almost complete. Have to add copy and delete handler
   methods and do the consequent API-M operations
   - Add more fields like, in, out and fault sequence.
   - Request json payload creation for API creation - done. I identified an
   issue in the API-M REST API where the scopes and uri-templates are
   specified, those do not get added. The reason is explained in the email [2]
   and the PR also sent to the git repo.
   - Get the access and the refresh token using the API-M REST API
   - Access token regeneration when token expires
   - Artifact attribute reading
   - Provide rxt fields to read API Definition and populate the payload
   according to that
   - life-cycle configuration for the API lifecycle - Using the same
   lifecycle as what API-M already have

[2] [API-M] API Definition and scopes do not get added and updated when
using new REST API


   - Reading the api manager related configuration from a configuration file
   - Adding the thumbnail of the API. Currently having an issue when adding
   a thumnail in the G-Reg publisher. I'm looking into it. In the meeting we
   discussed a way to send the thumbnail URL in the API-M REST API. See the
   meeting notes on the decision.
   - Develop the executor for the lifecycle state change
   - Add docs section to the rxt
   - Persist the consumer key and consumer secret obtained for G-Reg in
   - Do some G-Reg publisher level customization like avoiding additions of
   the same context and adding placeholders

Shazni Nazeer
Mob : +94 777737331
LinkedIn :
Blog :

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Shazni Nazir <> wrote:

> Since this component is developed as an extension, it can be deployed as a
> jar to the repository/components/lib as a library. And other artifacts like
> rxts can be added to G-Reg in runtime. With this setup I can test with a
> standalone G-Reg 5.2.0 with a standalone API-M 1.10.0 without any hassle.
> Currently as I develop this implementation, I do testing as it goes.
> Shazni Nazeer
> Mob : +94 777737331
> LinkedIn :
> Blog :
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 6:33 AM, Samisa Abeysinghe <>
> wrote:
>> Great!
>> How are we planning to test this implementation?
>> Thanks,
>> Samisa...
>> Samisa Abeysinghe
>> Vice President Delivery
>> WSO2 Inc.
>> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Shazni Nazir <> wrote:
>>> Yes Samisa, so far so good.
>>> I'll also be having a review with NuwanB and G-Reg team by Thursday to
>>> see if things are aligned.
>>> On 16 May 2016 6:33 p.m., "Samisa Abeysinghe" <> wrote:
>>> Are we on track in terms of the time schedule to deliver this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Samisa...
>>> Samisa Abeysinghe
>>> Vice President Delivery
>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Shazni Nazir <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Following is the current update of the G-Reg extension for API-M
>>>> integration.
>>>>    - API rxt - created, but additional fields needs to be added.
>>>> Some fields like thumbnail, sequences for in, out, fault have few
>>>> limitations on the rxt end. Pure rxt's doesn't support for file system
>>>> browse. I'm also looking into publisher extension to see if this could be
>>>> added in publisher app end.
>>>> Further, the API-M REST API [1] does provide the thumbnailUrl and
>>>> sequence. Need to verify if this supports file based urls.
>>>>    - Developed the skeleton handler code
>>>>    - Developed the code to get consumer key and secret using the API-M
>>>>    REST API
>>>>    - Developed the code to get the access and the refresh token using
>>>>    the API-M REST API
>>>>    - Developing the artifact attribute reading logic - in progress
>>>> TODO's
>>>>    - Add missing fields to ext
>>>>    - Reading the api manager related configuration from a
>>>>    configuration file
>>>>    - Provide rxt fields to read API Definition and populate the
>>>>    payload according to that
>>>>    - Develop the request json payload creation for API creation - in
>>>>    progress
>>>>    - Develop the access token regeneration when token expires
>>>>    - Develop the life-cycle configuration for the API lifecycle
>>>>    - Develop the executor for the lifecycle state change
>>>> [1]
>>>>  regards,
>>>> Shazni Nazeer
>>>> Mob : +94 777737331
>>>> LinkedIn :
>>>> Blog :
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