
You have only two streams ('bro.in.ssh.log:1.0.0 and bro.out.ssh.log:1.0.0).
In this case you are using attribute name as "id.orig_h". In Siddhi
definition we can't give attribute name as like that. You can not use .
(full stop) in our attribute definition. You can use _ (underscore).


Best Regards,

Software Engineer

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Aneela Safdar <ansaf_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a newbie here and trying to write a simple siddhi query by simply
> importing a custom mapped stream. But as soon as I import it and validate
> query, it gives above error.
> My complete query however is
> @Import('bro.in.ssh.log:1.0.0')
> define stream inStream (ts string, uid string, id.orig_h string, id.orig_p
> int, id.resp_h string, id.resp_p int, version int, client string, server
> string, cipher_alg string, mac_alg string, compression_alg string, kex_alg
> string, host_key_alg string, host_key string);
> @Export('bro.out.ssh.log:1.0.0')
> define stream outStream (ts string, ssh_logins int);
> from inStream
> select dateFormat (ts,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') as formatedTs, count
> group by formatedTs
> insert into outStream;
> All I want to do is to count number of records in a log for a single
> minute and export that time and count to an output Stream. But I am getting
> errors even at the very first line.
> Regards, Aneela Safdar
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