Hi All,
According to the spec [1] when prompt=none the result should as below.

> The Authorization Server MUST NOT display any authentication or consent
> user interface pages. An error is returned if an End-User is not already
> authenticated or the Client does not have per-configured consent for the
> requested Claims or does not fulfill other conditions for processing the
> request

So if we consider a scenario like
1. User sends authorization request without any prompt value to the IS
2. Server gives the login page
3. User provides credentials
4. Authentication successful and server returns consent page
5. User provides consent as 'Approve'
6. User send a authorization request with prompt =none

According to our current implementation it gives an error page with
consent-required error as the server does not have "trusted_always" in the
db table or "skipConsent=true" in file. But when executing the OIDC
compliance test cases in such a scenario it expects this as a successful
authentication as we have set the consent as approve in the same session.

So if we are doing this we need to skip the consent page if the their is a
session with consent=approve. Do we need to change our implementation
according to this? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

The output of the test case is as below.
Trace output

0.000497 ------------ AuthorizationRequest ------------
0.000903 --> URL:
0.000910 --> BODY: None
70.472175 <-- 
70.472683 AuthorizationResponse: {
  "code": "de0696cf-7183-3c31-a13c-92695101e589",
  "state": "hwcw3vhktnBaM99R"
70.473121 ------------ AccessTokenRequest ------------
70.473556 --> URL: https://210.90.95.XXX:9443/oauth2/token
70.473561 --> BODY:
70.473575 --> HEADERS: {'Content-Type':
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': u'Basic
74.644260 <-- STATUS: 200
74.644479 <-- BODY:
76.777209 AccessTokenResponse: {
  "access_token": "399d4582-967f-3083-831e-f5c4a6665e4a",
  "expires_in": 2056,
  "id_token": {
    "claims": {
      "at_hash": "CWRMcEJCCQDVyKF1YCZIfg",
      "aud": [
      "auth_time": 1468835100,
      "azp": "4rYClwGnY4CE_XXAkMCoWuI4mnIa",
      "exp": 1468839944,
      "iat": 1468836344,
      "iss": "https://210.90.95.XXX:9443/";,
      "sub": "admin"
    "jws header parameters": {
      "alg": "RS256",
      "kid": "1508327f853de893eeaa86c201526895d1e95143",
      "x5t": "NmJmOGUxMzZlYjM2ZDRhNTZlYTA1YzdhZTRiOWE0NWI2M2JmOTc1ZA"
  "refresh_token": "e9f533c3-a867-3758-8edc-2c10b2be0cd3",
  "scope": "openid",
  "token_type": "Bearer"
76.788640 ------------ AuthorizationRequest ------------
76.789114 --> URL:
76.789121 --> BODY: None
108.266371 <-- 
108.266883 AuthorizationResponse: {
  "code": "684a2084-b823-35fc-baed-d73fdb6a9694",
  "state": "AstNRnS88v73aAjI"
108.268413 ------------ AccessTokenRequest ------------
108.268842 --> URL: https://210.90.95.XXX:9443/oauth2/token
108.268848 --> BODY:
108.268861 --> HEADERS: {'Content-Type':
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': u'Basic
109.497011 <-- STATUS: 200
109.497233 <-- BODY:
109.503787 AccessTokenResponse: {
  "access_token": "399d4582-967f-3083-831e-f5c4a6665e4a",
  "expires_in": 2021,
  "id_token": {
    "claims": {
      "at_hash": "CWRMcEJCCQDVyKF1YCZIfg",
      "aud": [
      "auth_time": 1468835100,
      "azp": "4rYClwGnY4CE_XXAkMCoWuI4mnIa",
      "exp": 1468839979,
      "iat": 1468836379,
      "iss": "https://210.90.95.XXX:9443/";,
      "sub": "admin"
    "jws header parameters": {
      "alg": "RS256",
      "kid": "1508327f853de893eeaa86c201526895d1e95143",
      "x5t": "NmJmOGUxMzZlYjM2ZDRhNTZlYTA1YzdhZTRiOWE0NWI2M2JmOTc1ZA"
  "refresh_token": "e9f533c3-a867-3758-8edc-2c10b2be0cd3",
  "scope": "openid",
  "token_type": "Bearer"
109.515598 ==== END ====


Hasanthi Dissanayake

Software Engineer | WSO2

E: hasan...@wso2.com
M :0718407133| http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>
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