I have a siddhi query to get the count of total events in one minute by using a 
timebatch window. Using an output stream I am updating a bar chart with 
constant coming values, tmestammps(date and time,till minute ) on x-axis and 
events count on y-axis. 

But there are sometimes when either the number of events in one minute take too 
long to be transmitted and hence query doesnot give correct resutls. 

For instance if I get total 60 events and this query first gives me the count 
of 40 which dislpayed in bar chart but then after a minute it changes its value 
to 20 which is correct according to the logic but I am concerned if there is a 
way I could update the stream as well as bar chart for any previous timestamps 
(in that case 40+20) and insert into it new values for the next upcoming 

I have seen update function is used with tables not stream, is it so?And also I 
want two outputStreams populating two different bar charts from a same input 
stream. So is below query correct for that purpose?

Query is:
/* Enter a unique ExecutionPlan */

/* Enter a unique description for ExecutionPlan */
-- @Plan:description('ExecutionPlan')

/* define streams/tables and write queries here ... */

define stream FTPInStream (ts string, uid string, id_orig_h string, id_orig_p 
int, id_resp_h string, id_resp_p int, user string, password string,command 
string, arg string, mime_type string, file_size string, reply_code int, 
reply_msg string);

define stream FTPIPOutStream (ip_address string, ftp_requests int);

define stream FTPOutStream (ts string, ftp_requests int);

from FTPInStream
select time:dateFormat(str:replaceAll(ts,'T',' '),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', 
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as ts, uid, id_orig_h, id_orig_p, id_resp_h, id_resp_p
insert into intermediateStream;

from intermediateStream#window.timeBatch(1 min)
select ts, cast(count(ts), 'int') as ftp_requests
group by ts
insert into FTPOutStream;

from intermediateStream#window.timeBatch(1 min)
select id_orig_h as ip_address, cast(count(id_orig_h), 'int') as ftp_requests
group by id_orig_h
insert into FTPIPOutStream; Regards, 
Aneela Safdar
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