On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Maheeka Jayasuriya <mahe...@wso2.com>

> Hi Devs,
> We need to start an ESB in a docker container, with a capp deployed in
> tenant space. So in order to have the tenant space already created and to
> get the tenant initialized when the container is serving requests, we have
> tried out the following approach manually which works.
>    1.
>    Have the capp copied to [ESB_HOME]/repository/tenants/[tenantId]/ when
>    building the docker image. This tenantId may not be incremental and could
>    be any number
>    2.
>    Run the docker and wait for ESB to start
>    3.
>    Invoke the TenantMgtAdminService’s addTenant method specifying the
>    ‘tenantId’ and  other tenant details (username, password, etc)
>    4.
>    Invoke an API that is available in the copied capp (1) to initialize
>    the tenant
> Basically, we need to have the tenant space created during ESB server
> startup. Tenant could be initialized later for the first request. Therefore
> we started writing an OSGI declarative component which waits for
> TenantMgtServiceComponent and calls the TenantMgtAdminService to create the
> tenant. The capps will be already copied to the tenant space when building
> the docker image. Following is what we have tried so far.
>    1.
>    When trying to write a new OSGI component, say
>    TenantInitializerComponent, we wanted to add a TenantMgtServiceComponent
>    registered OSGI service as dependency. But there were no OSGI services
>    available in either of any tenant management components. Due to this we
>    were not able to get the TenantInitializerComponent activated.
>    2.
>    Since there were no OSGI services of TenantMgtServiceComponent
>    available, we tried by adding the dependencies of TenantMgtServiceComponent
>    to TenantInitializerComponent as below.
> * @scr.reference name="org.wso2.carbon.tenant.mgt.listener.service"
> *                interface="org.wso2.carbon.stratos.common.
> listeners.TenantMgtListener"
> *                cardinality="1..n" policy="dynamic"
> *                bind="setTenantMgtListenerService"
> *                unbind="unsetTenantMgtListenerService"
> * @scr.reference name="default.tenant.billing.service"
> *                interface="org.wso2.carbon.stratos.common.
> TenantBillingService"
> *                cardinality="0..1" policy="dynamic"
> *                bind="setTenantBillingService"
> *                unbind="unsetTenantBillingService"
> TenantMgtListener is available in ESB and therefore set the cardinality to
> 1..n. TenantBillingService is not available in ESB and hence cardinality is
> 0..1.
> Following is the implementation in the TenantInitializerComponent’s
> activate method.
> TenantMgtAdminService tenantMgtAdminService = new TenantMgtAdminService();
> TenantInfoBean tenantInfoBean = new TenantInfoBean();
> tenantInfoBean.setActive(true);
> tenantInfoBean.setAdmin("admin");
> tenantInfoBean.setAdminPassword("admin123");
> tenantInfoBean.setFirstname("Maheeka");
> tenantInfoBean.setLastname("Maheeka");
> tenantInfoBean.setEmail("ad...@maheeka.com");
> tenantInfoBean.setTenantDomain("maheeka.com");
> tenantInfoBean.setSuccessKey("");
> tenantInfoBean.setTenantId(250);

This may not work because, the tenant id is generated and returned by the
tenant persister once a new tenant is persisted properly in DB. The tenant
id is basically the row id in the table.

Did you test this?

> try {
>   tenantMgtAdminService.addTenant(tenantInfoBean);
>   log.info("Tenant added successfully");
> } catch (Exception e) {
>   log.error(“Error adding tenant", e);
> }
> However, “tenantMgtAdminService.addTenant(tenantInfoBean)” will invoke 
> TenantMgtServiceComponent
> which is not activated by this time and thus throws a NPE.
>    1.
>    Next thing we tried was using the ServerStartupObserver as dependency
>    to TenantInitializerComponent. However even this time
>    TenantMgtServiceComponent is not activated by the time
>    TenantInitializerComponent tries to activate. According to [1], seems like
>    ServerStartupObserver only waits till the transports are started.
>    2.
>    If we write a BundleListener [3], we could wait for the
>    TenantMgtServiceComponent to be active and perform addTenant. Since this
>    captures all bundle statuses this might not be an effective approach.
>    3.
>    Finally, took a look at StartupFinalizerServiceComponent. This seems
>    to register a service after all the components are initialized as
>    org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager. I was able to successfully
>    create the tenant by adding a reference to this service as below.
> * @scr.reference name="listener.manager"
> *                            interface="org.apache.axis2.
> engine.ListenerManager"
> *                            cardinality="1..1" policy="dynamic"
> *                            bind="setListenerManager"
> *                            unbind="unsetListenerManager"
> Adding reference to org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager seems to
> solve the problem. However, need to verify whether there are any other
> better ways to solve this problem. Or shall we proceed with this approach?
> Appreciate your feedback on this.
> Thanks Kalpa and Jayanga for helping out on the details.
> [1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/Carbon447/Server+Startup+Observer
> [2] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-kernel/blob/4.4.x/core/
> org.wso2.carbon.core/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/core/internal/
> StartupFinalizerServiceComponent.java#L199
> [3] http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2013/01/23/how-to-track-
> lifecycle-changes-of-osgi-bundles/
> Thanks,
> Maheeka Jayasuriya
> Senior Software Engineer
> Mobile : +94777750661

*Kishanthan Thangarajah*
Technical Lead,
Platform Technologies Team,
WSO2, Inc.

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