The WSO2 Identity Server team is pleased to announce the 5th Milestone of
WSO2 Identity Server 5.3.0. You can download this distribution from
following locations

Runtime :
Analytics :

Following list contains all the features, improvements and bug fixes
available with this milestone.



   - [IDENTITY-4772 <>] - No UI
   validation when adding a workflow profile with long host name
   - [IDENTITY-4814 <>] - Remove
   the 'Schema' parameter validation in OIDC
   - [IDENTITY-4822 <>] - OIDC ID
   Token does not contain kid value
   - [IDENTITY-4823 <>] -
   Providing support for acr_values parameter in OIDC
   - [IDENTITY-4854 <>] - The
   error message returned in OIDC Login Failure is not according to the spec
   - [IDENTITY-5000 <>] - "Could
   not evaluate criteria, credential contained no usage specifier. Could not
   evaluate criteria, credential contained no entity ID" message is logged
   when logging into the travelocity app
   - [IDENTITY-5061 <>] -
   Selective notification sending for account enabling/disabling does not work
   - [IDENTITY-5062 <>] - Null
   value in the permission tree
   - [IDENTITY-5123 <>] - [IWA
   authentication] NoClassDefFoundError when authenticate user with IE browser
   - [IDENTITY-5188 <>] - Email
   templates with "text/html" content types are sent as "text/plain"
   - [IDENTITY-5195 <>] -
   AuthorizationAction parameter is locked at the top level and cannot be
   - [IDENTITY-5212 <>] - Class
   Cast Exception in Identity Authentication framework


   - [IDENTITY-4811 <>] -
   Providing support for OIDC Scope parameters
   - [IDENTITY-4824 <>] -
   UserInfo endpoint access with Post and bearer body
   - [IDENTITY-4825 <>] -
   UserInfo endpoint access with Post and bearer header
   - [IDENTITY-4847 <>] -
   Supporting Essential Claims with OIDC Scopes
   - [IDENTITY-5088 <>] - Token
   interceptors should be called to introspection as well.
   - [IDENTITY-5174 <>] - Email
   template language list needs to be sorted when adding new template
   - [IDENTITY-5191 <>] - Add
   cancel button in Email template add page

New Feature

   - [IDENTITY-4282 <>] - OpenID
   Connect Discovery (endpoint)
   - [IDENTITY-4738 <>] - [OIDC]
   Exposing the Public Certificate via jwks.json ('jwks_uri')
   - [IDENTITY-4828 <>] - Create
   jwks endpoint for OIDC
   - [IDENTITY-4985 <>] -
   Entitlement Service REST Impelmentation
   - [IDENTITY-5166 <>] - Admin
   forces password reset for user
   - [IDENTITY-5201 <>] - Account
   suspension notification need to be sent after configurable time duration


   - [IDENTITY-5107 <>] -
   Supporting configurable NameID type in SAML authentication request
   - [IDENTITY-5168 <>] - PDP
   Cache gets invalidated when IdentityMgtListener is enabled


   - [IDENTITY-2866 <>] - Improve
   Granularity of Permission Tree for Identity Features
   - [IDENTITY-4787 <>] - Need to
   remove applying hash function for common auth session ID when publishing
   session data
   - [IDENTITY-4885 <>] - Need to
   remove commonauthId hashing from data publisher



   - [ANLYIS-164 <>] - Percentiles
   values for higher percentile is not calculated properly in access token
   refresh scneario


   - [ANLYIS-160 <>] - Oauth Data
   publishers should be able to take a parameter map as inputs

New Feature

   - [ANLYIS-162 <>] - Alerts on
   Abnormal Token Renew


   - [ANLYIS-161 <>] - Oauth token
   validation data publishing

*How To Contribute*
Your feedback are most welcome!
Mailing Lists
Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.

   - Developer List : | Subscribe <> | Mail
   Archive <>
   - User Forum : StackOverflow

Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues, improvements and feature requests
regarding WSO2 Identity Server through public WSO2 Identity Server Runtime
JIRA <> and Analytics JIRA

~ The WSO2 Identity Server Team ~

*Pulasthi Mahawithana*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.,
Mobile: +94-71-5179022

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