Hi Megala,

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Megala Uthayakumar <meg...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Vishanth,
> Please find my comments inline.
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Vishanth Balasubramaniam <
> vishan...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sinthuja,
>> While testing the multi tenancy flow in the IoT Server I identified that
>> when I am logged into the 'devicemgt' as a tenant, I am not able to go to
>> the device statistics page/dashboard.
> Device Statistics Dashboard will only work in the super-tenant mode.
> Reason behind this is dashboards will saved in the relevant tenant registry
> space and the dashboards that are packed within the car file will saved in
> the super-tenant space. We had another option of sharing dashboards between
> tenants but we cannot use that feature for this particular purpose as with
> that feature dashboard will be visible to all the tenant users regardless
> of his/her role.

AFAIR this feature was implemented in such a way that we get the list of
roles of the logged in user and validate them, and in the case of shared
dashboard this validation will be occurred by the role again but then in
the tenant level, there should be such role created and the user should
have that role. It doesn't mean it is open to all users, such as

We can handle this during the tenant creation time where we need to create
that role what ever we configure to view the device stats dashboard in the
tenant space, and assign the tenant admin user for that role. When we do
that, the tenant admin will be able to see the dashboard, and according to
his/her perference he/she can assign the roles to other users for whom he
would like to grant this right. But then later on if super tenant changes
the setting of the dashboard, all tenants view will be affected, I believe
this is not something which will happen regularly in the run time rather in
the setup time, so we can simply document the effect therefore it can be
gracefully handled.


> But this dashboard requires some level of permissions, and should not be
> visible to all the users. So only option we left with it is to ask the
> tenant admin to upload the car files manually and created a documentation
> jira for this [1]. But while further testing we found that there is a
> problem in the implementation of oauth token generation part in portal
> level. In portal level, we generate the client credentials and save them in
> the registry. When we are in the tenant mode, to access that client
> credentials, we should start the tenant flow and get it. But in the portal
> side implementations, the tenant flow is not properly handled, due to that
> it will not work for other tenants even if the user uploads the car file.
> Since the token generation part is now completely changed in the portal
> side, I think that error should have been resolved by now and we should be
> able to view the dashboard in tenant mode as well by manually uploading the
> car file.
>> Looked a little deeper and found out that the tenant space is created
>> under jaggeryapps/portal/store but the gadgets folder within is empty for
>> the tenant.
> By default, sample gadgets will be only available in super-tenant space.
> So it is the expected behavior to not to have any gadgets in that
> particular location.
>> I would like to know whether it is an issue or have I missed any
>> configuration?
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/DOCUMENTATION-4063
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Megala
> --
> Megala Uthayakumar
> Software Engineer
> Mobile : 0779967122 <077%20996%207122>

*Sinthuja Rajendran*
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WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com

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