I made sure to check while troubleshooting if port 10389 is listening using
"netstat" and "ss", and it's not.

As for carbon.xml and user-mgt.xml, no recent changes that will cause the
default ldap user store to not start-up. I did changes on 3 files though:

[1] catalina-server.xml ==> ==>> changed localhost entries to my hostname -
troubleshooting why End User Dashboard in 5.3.0 does not work (keep getting
a redirect when accessing /dashboard )
        <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
            <Host name="localhost" unpackWARs="true"
deployOnStartup="false" autoDeploy="false"


[2] repository/conf/security/authenticators.xml ==>> changed localhost
entries to my hostname - troubleshooting why End User Dashboard in 5.3.0
does not work (keep getting a redirect when accessing /dashboard ).
            <Parameter name="IdentityProviderSSOServiceURL">
            <Parameter name="AssertionConsumerServiceURL">

SAML2.IdPURL=https://localhost:9443/samlsso  ==>> changed localhost to my
hostname in hopes that the Resident Identity Provider will show the correct
SSO URL and Logout Url hostname.

I have also connected the ldap backend to Apache Directory Studio to browse
the schema while identity server was still running. Disconnected Apache
Directory Studio before shutting down then that's it ldap will not start.

Also reverted my changes on 3 files (compared with a fresh unzipped copy of
wso2is 5.3.0 files) and will still not start properly.

wso2user 19381  0.0  0.0   9508  1416 pts/0    S    17:07   0:00 sh
wso2user 19482  0.6  7.6 6880092 322956 pts/0  Sl   17:07   0:17  \_
/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_111/bin/java -Xbootclasspath/a: -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -classpath
-Dcatalina.base=/_wso2is-5.3.0/lib/tomcat -Dwso2.server.standalone=true
-Dcarbon.registry.root=/ -Djava.command=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_111/bin/java
-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dcom.ibm.cacheLocalHost=true
-DworkerNode=false -Dorg.wso2.ignoreHostnameVerification=true



gezeala bacuño II

On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:32 PM, Kasun Bandara <kbandara...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi mgbil,
> According to the error message, the user store is unable to connect to
> LDAP server. This could be due to another LDAP server running on port 10389
> (port of the default embedded LDAP server). Can you please check whether
> this port has already used by another server? (maybe used by another IS
> server). And did you make any changes to the default settings of
> carbon.xml and user-mgt.xml files?
> Regards,
> Kasun
> Kasun Gayan Bandara
> PhD Research Student
> Machine Learning Group
> Faculty of Information Technology, Clayton
> Monash University
> 25 Exhibition Walk, Clayton Campus
> Wellington Road
> Clayton VIC 3800
> Australia.
> E: herath.band...@monash.edu
> M (+61) 43 491 6476
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/bandarakasun>
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 8:42 AM, mgbii bax <geze...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm having some problems starting wso2 5.3.0 IS. For some reason the
>> embedded ldap backend is not starting up. Entire error log can be found at
>> http://pastebin.com/xbrZEGqz.
>> Is there a way to start its embedded ldap backend manually?
>> --
>> regards
>> mgbii
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