Hi Chamalee,

Now it is possible to use IS as KM with API Manager 2.1.0. The P2 repo [1] is 
updated with the Key Manager
features and by installing Key Manager version 6.1.66 in WSO2 IS 5.3.0 you will 
be able to use IS as Key
Manager for API Manager 2.1.0. The configuration steps are almost same as in 
the documentation [2].

We are in the process of updating the documentation for Configuring WSO2 IS 
5.3.0 as Key Manager for WSO2
API Manager 2.1.0 and the new documentation will be available soon.

We will update this thread when the documentation is available.

Thanks for your response and I have already tried the version 6.1.66 from the repository. In the UI the installation works without any message, but in the logs an error shows up immediately after installing the feature. So, this error is logged before doing the restart.

[2017-02-14 21:04:20,564]  INFO 
{org.wso2.carbon.core.services.util.CarbonAuthenticationUtil} -
'admin@carbon.super [-1234]' logged in at [2017-02-14 21:04:20,564+0100]
(No such file or directory)
        at java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
        at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(FileOutputStream.java:270)
        at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:213)
        at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:162)

And during restart of the server itself, three different error messages shows 

[2017-02-14 21:15:40,358] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil} - Custom sequence template location unavailable for custom sequence type in : repository/resources/customsequences/in [2017-02-14 21:15:40,358] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil} - Custom sequence template location unavailable for custom sequence type out : repository/resources/customsequences/out [2017-02-14 21:15:40,358] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil} - Custom sequence template location unavailable for custom sequence type fault : repository/resources/customsequences/fault

None of this happened with the IS 5.2 + AM 2.0, so I am not sure if this can be ignored or if this is a serious issue.

Br & Thanks,

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Description: Binary data

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Description: Binary data

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