In APIM 2.1.0 i am trying to read a request query parameter .

i have this request "GET /wb/1/countries/us?clientId=isharac

in an In sequence i read query parameter as below.
<property name="cid" expression="get-property('uri.var.clientId')"/>

But when i log it 'cid' is null
am i doing anything wrong here?
how can i read the query param in a seq?

This is the sequence i used.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence xmlns=""; name="admin--WB:v1--In">
   <log level="full">
      <property name="IN_MESSAGE" value="IN_MESSAGE"/>
 <property name="IN_MESSAGE_CID" expression="get-property('uri.var.clientId

I also tried, get-property('$uri:clientId') and get-property('$url') and
they are also null.

When i debug, i couldn't find these properties in message context.

following property is there in the message context. So what is the best way
to get clientId from this property? If so is it a good approach?


Thanks & Regards,
Ishara Cooray
Senior Software Engineer
Mobile : +9477 262 9512
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