The WSO2 Identity Server team is pleased to announce the release of
Identity Server 6.0.0-M2. It is now available to download.





This milestone is mainly incorporated with SCIM 2.0 support for IS 6.0.0.
Following list contains all the improvements and bug fixes for IS 6.0.0
User Portal and SCIM 2.0 API.

Improvements & Bug Fixes


   [IDENTITY-5641 <>] - User
   Guide does not provide instruction to access user portal

   [IDENTITY-5642 <>] - Dead-link
   in user-guide home page

   [IDENTITY-5645 <>] - Shouldn't
   we use "PRIMARY" as the default selected value of "domain" dropdown in the

   [IDENTITY-5646 <>] - In login
   page "domain" dropbox get disappear after an error message

   [IDENTITY-5649 <>] - Sign-up
   Page : if user exists display an error message and keep the user in the
   same page

   [IDENTITY-5650 <>] - Sign-up
   Page : allows to create same user when using same username and password

   [IDENTITY-5651 <>] - Are we
   allowing empty values for security questions

   [IDENTITY-5652 <>] - Cannot
   answer two questions from the same question set claim uri" message is not
   communicated to the user

   [IDENTITY-5653 <>] - Can't
   delete security questions

   [IDENTITY-5654 <>] - Account
   crash setting security questions after adding profile image

   [IDENTITY-5655 <>] -  Manage
   Profiles Doc page should cover about profile image

   [IDENTITY-5657 <>] - [IS DOCS]
   Provide content for Security Questions

   [IDENTITY-5658 <>] - [IS DOCS]
   Provide content for User Domain Configuration

   [IDENTITY-5665 <>] - [C5] User
   Portal :  change t helper to i18n, which is supported from UUF current

   [IDENTITY-5666 <>] - [C5] User
   Portal :  Include onGet, onPost functions in UUF for user portal

   [IDENTITY-5667 <>] - [C5] User
   portal: Can't update security questions, security question addition and
   deletion is not visible in UI

   [IDENTITY-5695 <>] - [IS DOCS]
   Provide .yaml file for SCIM REST API docs

   [IDENTITY-5697 <>] - Error in

   [IDENTITY-5698 <>] - SCIM Add
   User Operation should return http error 409 (Conflict) if username already

   [IDENTITY-5701 <>] - SCIM List
   Resources return totalResults:100 for even single record

   [IDENTITY-5706 <>] - [C5] User
   portal: Localization and Error messages in challenge questions

   [IDENTITY-5707 <>] - Admin
   user shouldn't be able to Delete via SCIM

   [IDENTITY-5708 <>] - [C5] User
   portal: Challenge Question Set concept is not visible in UI

   [IDENTITY-5712 <>] - It would
   be good close the successful messages within 5 seconds time

   [IDENTITY-5713 <>] - Wrong
   error messages are throwing when add two words for Name fields

   [IDENTITY-5714 <>] - SCIM
   Provisioned users should be able to login to user-portal

   [IDENTITY-5716 <>] - Response
   to SCIM Delete request should be 404 is resource already deleted

   [IDENTITY-5720 <>] - [C5] User
   portal: Domain name should be visible in the user menu

   [IDENTITY-5725 <>] - Login
   Page error message should  be changed when user didn't enter a user name or
   a password.

   [IDENTITY-5727 <>] - Wrong
   Error Message for SCIM Create User operation if it fails due to

   [IDENTITY-5728 <>] - Cannot
   Perform SCIM User add Operation for Secondary User Stores

   [IDENTITY-5729 <>] - Cannot
   Perform SCIM  Add Group operation for secondary user stores

   [IDENTITY-5736 <>] - [C5] User
   Portal: Need to indicate that the carbon server has started, after all the
   micro services get deployed

   [IDENTITY-5738 <>] - [C5] User
   Portal: After updating security questions, it is redirected to the user
   portal home page

   [IDENTITY-5745 <>] - Cannot
   change the username via SCIM

   [IDENTITY-5747 <>] - password
   strength popover is not working in firefox browser

   [IDENTITY-5760 <>] - [SCIM]
   Creating groups with different group IDs when creating groups, without
   specifying display name in the request

   [IDENTITY-5763 <>] - Check
   group existence in IdentityStore

   [IDENTITY-5772 <>] - Need to
   add SCIM User schema extension support

   [IDENTITY-5775 <>] - [SCIM]
   Response is not valid when querying Resources Using HTTP POST  with count
   parameter as 0 or a negative value

   [IDENTITY-5776 <>] - [SCIM]
   Wrong number of resources in the response when querying Resources Using

   [IDENTITY-5777 <>] - Comments
   are not available in the provisioning-config.xml file

   [IDENTITY-5778 <>] - [SCIM]
   Wrong error response message when querying Group Resources Using HTTP POST
   when there are no groups added

   [IDENTITY-5787 <>] - [SCIM]
   Should return "400 - Bad Request" as the response when adding a group
   without the displayName

   [IDENTITY-5791 <>] - [SCIM]
   "/ResourceTypes" Scim Endpoints is not defined as per the specification

   [IDENTITY-5792 <>] - [SCIM]
   authenticationSchemes returned from the /ServiceProviderConfig endpoint
    should be valid

Test Coverage Statistics

1. - *65%*

- *73%*

How To Contribute
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Reporting IssuesWe encourage you to report issues, improvements and feature
requests regarding WSO2 Identity Server through public WSO2 Identity Server
JIRA <>.
~ The WSO2 Identity Server Team ~

Gayan Gunawardana
Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.;
Mobile: +94 (71) 8020933
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