Thank you all for your comments on this.

We will try to follow the H2 approach, but we are facing another problem regarding the communication between Traffic Manager instances. As we are defining the service in DC/OS as one service, there is no good way to tell the node to replicate  the messages received from the APIGW only to the other TM instances. We have the idea to extend the parsing, to allow the use of the marathon API to get information about the other instances present in the service group. Could you give us a pointer to where we have to extend this to add the functionality?

Thank you all,

Jose Maria

-----Harsha Kumara <> escribió: -----
De: Harsha Kumara <>
Fecha: 27/02/2017 07:51
Cc: "WSO2 Developers' List" <>
Asunto: Re: [Dev] Traffic Manager HA deployment on DC/OS

Hi Jose,

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:45 PM, JOSE MARIA ALVAREZ FERNANDEZ <> wrote:
Hi all,

As you may know, we are implementing WSO2 in El Corte Ingles, and we are trying to fit Traffic Manager in our architecture, based on DC/OS and containers. We would like to know which approach you think it may be better for the Traffic Manager component. As we are in a PaaS system, we would like to be able to scale this system out without problems. 

a) It is our understanding that we have to create a different database schema for every TM instance that we run. We would like to know if it is possible to run this without having to create a new schema for every component (that is, share the same schema). If we create a new schema, that would force us to differentiate the component at DC/OS level, giving them different configurations for different Traffic Manager instances. 

b) If that is not possible, we would like to know if it is possible to run TM with H2 in memory. As there is nothing that should be persisted in the TM schema, we thought that could be possible.
Message Broker(MB) instance running in TM required MB_STORE data source which shouldn't shared with TM instance.It's Ok to have H2 database for it. But by default, MB writes all messages first to the database. Enable HA in TM is same as enabling HA in CEP ( The additional JMS related changes need to be configured to communicate throttle decisions to the gateway nodes.

If none of the options are viable, what deployment schema would be the best for this component, taking into account that we would like to be active/active (being able to scale out)?

Thank you very much for your help and comments,

Jose Maria.

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Harsha Kumara
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
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