
Outcome of our previous meetings

   1. We decided to use cxf SecurityTokenServiceProvider [1] class as the
   entry point of the STS implementation. Since SecurityTokenServiceProvider
   is not thread safe we have to create a new instance for each incoming
   2. When it comes to Policy Enforcement we'll be using message properties
   to override the default behaviour cxf policy framework. By using message
   properties we can dynamically change effective security policies.
   3. All components including Token Providers, Claim Manager, Static
   Property Provider will be plugged into the SecurityTokenServiceProvider
   programmatically (without using spring XML)

SecurityTokenServiceProvider uses a WebServiceContext. Since our intention
is to delegate only the Soap Message to STS (since we're not using web
services coupled with STS) we'll have to write a mock class for
WebServiceContext (not finalised)

Best Regards
Isuranga Perera
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