Hi Thomas,

When you calling the token endpoint using saml response, could you please
add the scope=default parameter as well in the request. For ex :[1].
Let us know it if works. (Just want to verify , because scope is an
optional parameter. )

[1] - curl -X POST -u
"QlthIzYUOK5DS0BXW8Cy8uFJjKAa:XFfgPmTbMaQ5eScc0rSnAW9ZIgwa" -H
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -d "


On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Thomas LEGRAND <
thomas.legr...@versusmind.eu> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for your answers.
> I activated the DEBUG mode on the IS in the class org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.
> keymgt.service.APIKeyValidationService and I can see that the IS receives
> something because when I send a wrong OAuth token, its says
> [2017-06-16 12:10:00,563] ERROR 
> {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.AMDefaultKeyManagerImpl}
> -  Invalid OAuth Token : Invalid accessken
> And when I send a right one:
> [2017-06-16 14:19:52,028] DEBUG 
> {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.service.APIKeyValidationService}
> -  OAuth token response from Manager to gateway:  , appName=myApp ,
> userName=myUser@carbon.super , transactionId= , 
> consumerKey=5bWQioSHWbt9I24xizeP0o20a
> , isAuthorized=true , responseTime=Fri Jun 16 14:19:52 CEST 2017
> [2017-06-16 14:19:52,028] DEBUG 
> {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.service.APIKeyValidationService}
> -  APIKeyValidationInfoDTO bee returning : APIKeyValidationInfoDTO = {
> authorized:true , subscriber:admin , tier:Unlimited , type:PRODUCTION ,
> userType:APPLICATION_USER , endUserToken:null , 
> endUserName:myUser@carbon.super
> , applicationId:3 , applicationName:myApp  , applicationr:Unlimited ,
> validationStatus:0 , validityPeriod:2009000 , issuedTime:1497615592019 ,
> apiName:MyAPI , consumerKey:5bWQioSH9I24xizeP0oxTw20a ,
> spikeArrestLimit:0 , spikeArrestUnit:null , 
> subscriberTenantDomain:carbon.super
> , stopOnQuotaReach:true ,iPublisher:admin]]
> We can see the authorized: true (if that means something) so it is like
> the API manager don't know how to interpret this message and take a
> shortcut to conclusion because of an Axis error. So from here, I don't know
> what to do :(
> Regards,
> Thomas
> 2017-06-16 13:13 GMT+02:00 Farasath Ahamed <farasa...@wso2.com>:
>> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 4:37 PM, Rajith Roshan <raji...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Thomas,
>>> You need to subscribe to that particular api from the application you
>>> have generated access token. if there is no valid subscription then this
>>> error can happen.
>>> And also if you have assigned specif scopes to api resource , then the
>>> access token should also have that scopes when it was generated.
>>> This resource forbidden issue can occur due to above mentioned errors.
>> In those cases shouldn't the error codes be different according to [1].
>>     <ams:fault xmlns:ams="http://wso2.org/apimanager/security";>
>>       <ams:code>900900</ams:code>
>>       <ams:message>Unclassified Authentication Failure</ams:message>
>>       <ams:description>Resource forbidden</ams:description>
>>     </ams:fault>
>> Error code 900900. according [1] says that,
>> Backend service for key validation is not accessible when trying to
>> invoke an API
>> [1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Error+Handling
>>> Thanks!
>>> Rajith
>>> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 12:32 PM, Thomas LEGRAND <
>>> thomas.legr...@versusmind.eu> wrote:
>>>> Hello !
>>>> Sure. Here is my api-manager.xml AM configuration file:
>>>> <APIManager>
>>>>     <!-- JNDI name of the data source to be used by the API publisher,
>>>> API store and API
>>>>          key manager. This data source should be defined in the
>>>> master-datasources.xml file
>>>>          in conf/datasources directory. -->
>>>>     <DataSourceName>jdbc/WSO2AM_DB</DataSourceName>
>>>>     <!-- This parameter is used when adding api management capability
>>>> to other products like GReg, AS, DSS etc.-->
>>>>     <!--GatewayType>Synapse</GatewayType-->
>>>> <GatewayType>None</GatewayType>
>>>>     <!-- This parameter is used to enable the securevault support when
>>>> try to publish endpoint secured APIs. Values should be "true" or "false".
>>>>     By default secure vault is disabled.-->
>>>>     <EnableSecureVault>false</EnableSecureVault>
>>>>     <!-- Authentication manager configuration for API publisher and API
>>>> store. This is
>>>>          a required configuration for both web applications as their
>>>> user authentication
>>>>          logic relies on this. -->
>>>>     <AuthManager>
>>>>         <!-- Server URL of the Authentication service -->
>>>>         <!--ServerURL>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}$
>>>> {carbon.context}services/</ServerURL-->
>>>> <ServerURL>https://localhost:9448/services/</ServerURL>
>>>>         <!-- Admin username for the Authentication manager. -->
>>>>         <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>         <!-- Admin password for the Authentication manager. -->
>>>>         <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>         <!-- Indicates whether the permissions checking of the user (on
>>>> the Publisher and Store) should be done
>>>>            via a remote service. The check will be done on the local
>>>> server when false. -->
>>>>         <CheckPermissionsRemotely>false</CheckPermissionsRemotely>
>>>>     </AuthManager>
>>>>     <JWTConfiguration>
>>>>         <!-- Enable/Disable JWT generation. Default is false. -->
>>>>         <!-- EnableJWTGeneration>false</EnableJWTGeneration-->
>>>>         <!-- Name of the security context header to be added to the
>>>> validated requests. -->
>>>>         <JWTHeader>X-JWT-Assertion</JWTHeader>
>>>>         <!-- Fully qualified name of the class that will retrieve
>>>> additional user claims
>>>>              to be appended to the JWT. If not specified no claims will
>>>> be appended.If user wants to add all user claims in the
>>>>              jwt token, he needs to enable this parameter.
>>>>              The DefaultClaimsRetriever class adds user claims from the
>>>> default carbon user store. -->
>>>>         <!--ClaimsRetrieverImplClass>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.tok
>>>> en.DefaultClaimsRetriever</ClaimsRetrieverImplClass-->
>>>>         <!-- The dialectURI under which the claimURIs that need to be
>>>> appended to the
>>>>              JWT are defined. Not used with custom ClaimsRetriever
>>>> implementations. The
>>>>              same value is used in the keys for appending the default
>>>> properties to the
>>>>              JWT. -->
>>>>         <!--ConsumerDialectURI>http://wso2.org/claims</ConsumerDiale
>>>> ctURI-->
>>>>         <!-- Signature algorithm. Accepts "SHA256withRSA" or "NONE". To
>>>> disable signing explicitly specify "NONE". -->
>>>>         <!--SignatureAlgorithm>SHA256withRSA</SignatureAlgorithm-->
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies which implementation should be
>>>> used for generating the Token. JWTGenerator is the
>>>>     default implementation provided. -->
>>>>         <JWTGeneratorImpl>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.JWTGen
>>>> erator</JWTGeneratorImpl>
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies which implementation should be
>>>> used for generating the Token. For URL safe JWT
>>>>              Token generation the implementation is provided in
>>>> URLSafeJWTGenerator -->
>>>>         <!--<JWTGeneratorImpl>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.UR
>>>> LSafeJWTGenerator</JWTGeneratorImpl>-->
>>>>         <!-- Remove UserName from JWT Token -->
>>>>         <!-- <RemoveUserNameFromJWTForAppli
>>>> cationToken>true</RemoveUserNameFromJWTForApplicationToken>-->
>>>>     </JWTConfiguration>
>>>>     <!-- Primary/secondary login configuration for APIstore. If user
>>>> likes to keep two login attributes in a distributed setup, to login the
>>>> APIstore,
>>>> he should configure this section. Primary login doesn't have a claimUri
>>>> associated with it. But secondary login, which is a claim attribute,
>>>> is associated with a claimuri.-->
>>>>     <!--LoginConfig>
>>>>             <UserIdLogin  primary="true">
>>>>         <ClaimUri></ClaimUri>
>>>>         </UserIdLogin>
>>>>         <EmailLogin  primary="false">
>>>>             <ClaimUri>http://wso2.org/claims/emailaddress</ClaimUri>
>>>>         </EmailLogin>
>>>>     </LoginConfig-->
>>>>     <!-- Credentials for the API gateway admin server. This
>>>> configuration
>>>>          is mainly used by the API publisher and store to connect to
>>>> the API gateway and
>>>>          create/update published API configurations. -->
>>>>     <APIGateway>
>>>>         <!-- The environments to which an API will be published -->
>>>>         <Environments>
>>>>             <!-- Environments can be of different types. Allowed values
>>>> are 'hybrid', 'production' and 'sandbox'.
>>>>                  An API deployed on a 'production' type gateway will
>>>> only support production keys
>>>>                  An API deployed on a 'sandbox' type gateway will only
>>>> support sandbox keys
>>>>                  An API deployed on a 'hybrid' type gateway will
>>>> support both production and sandbox keys. -->
>>>>             <!-- api-console element specifies whether the environment
>>>> should be listed in API Console or not -->
>>>>             <Environment type="hybrid" api-console="true">
>>>>                 <Name>Production and Sandbox</Name>
>>>>                 <Description>This is a hybrid gateway that handles both
>>>> production and sandbox token traffic.</Description>
>>>>                 <!-- Server URL of the API gateway -->
>>>>                 <ServerURL>https://localhost:$
>>>> {mgt.transport.https.port}${carbon.context}services/</ServerURL>
>>>>        <!-- Admin username for the API gateway. -->
>>>>                 <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>                 <!-- Admin password for the API gateway.-->
>>>>                 <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>                 <!-- Endpoint URLs for the APIs hosted in this API
>>>> gateway.-->
>>>>                 <GatewayEndpoint>http://${carb
>>>> on.local.ip}:${http.nio.port},https://${carbon.local.ip}:${h
>>>> ttps.nio.port}</GatewayEndpoint>
>>>>             </Environment>
>>>>         </Environments>
>>>>     </APIGateway>
>>>>     <CacheConfigurations>
>>>>    <!-- Enable/Disable token caching at the Gateway-->
>>>>         <EnableGatewayTokenCache>true</EnableGatewayTokenCache>
>>>>    <!-- Enable/Disable API resource caching at the Gateway-->
>>>>         <EnableGatewayResourceCache>true</EnableGatewayResourceCache>
>>>>         <!-- Enable/Disable API key validation information caching at
>>>> key-management server -->
>>>>         <EnableKeyManagerTokenCache>false</EnableKeyManagerTokenCache>
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies whether Recently Added APIs will
>>>> be loaded from the cache or not.
>>>>              If there are multiple API modification during a short time
>>>> period, better to disable cache. -->
>>>>         <EnableRecentlyAddedAPICache>false</EnableRecentlyAddedAPICa
>>>> che>
>>>>    <!-- JWT claims Cache expiry in seconds -->
>>>>         <!--JWTClaimCacheExpiry>900</JWTClaimCacheExpiry-->
>>>>         <!-- Expiry time for the apim key mgt validation info cache -->
>>>>         <!--TokenCacheExpiry>900</TokenCacheExpiry-->
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies the expiration time of the
>>>> TagCache. TagCache will
>>>>              only be created when this element is uncommented. When the
>>>> specified
>>>>              time duration gets elapsed ,tag cache will get
>>>> re-generated. -->
>>>>         <!--TagCacheDuration>120000</TagCacheDuration-->
>>>>     </CacheConfigurations>
>>>>     <!--
>>>>         API usage tracker configuration used by the DAS data publisher
>>>> and
>>>>         Google Analytics publisher in API gateway.
>>>>     -->
>>>>     <Analytics>
>>>>         <!-- Enable Analytics for API Manager -->
>>>>         <Enabled>false</Enabled>
>>>>         <!-- Server URL of the remote DAS/CEP server used to collect
>>>> statistics. Must
>>>>              be specified in protocol://hostname:port/ format.
>>>>              An event can also be published to multiple Receiver Groups
>>>> each having 1 or more receivers. Receiver
>>>>              Groups are delimited by curly braces whereas receivers are
>>>> delimited by commas.
>>>>              Ex - Multiple Receivers within a single group
>>>>              tcp://localhost:7612/,tcp://l
>>>> ocalhost:7613/,tcp://localhost:7614/
>>>>              Ex - Multiple Receiver Groups with two receivers each
>>>>              {tcp://localhost:7612/,tcp://
>>>> localhost:7613},{tcp://localhost:7712/,tcp://localhost:7713/} -->
>>>>         <DASServerURL>{tcp://localhost:7612}</DASServerURL>
>>>>         <!--DASAuthServerURL>{ssl://localhost:7712}</DASAuthServerUR
>>>> L-->
>>>>         <!-- Administrator username to login to the remote DAS server.
>>>> -->
>>>>         <DASUsername>${admin.username}</DASUsername>
>>>>         <!-- Administrator password to login to the remote DAS server.
>>>> -->
>>>>         <DASPassword>${admin.password}</DASPassword>
>>>>         <!-- For APIM implemented Statistic client for RDBMS -->
>>>>         <StatsProviderImpl>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.impl.
>>>> APIUsageStatisticsRdbmsClientImpl</StatsProviderImpl>
>>>>         <!-- DAS REST API configuration -->
>>>>         <DASRestApiURL>https://localhost:9444</DASRestApiURL>
>>>>         <DASRestApiUsername>${admin.username}</DASRestApiUsername>
>>>>         <DASRestApiPassword>${admin.password}</DASRestApiPassword>
>>>>         <!-- Below property is used to skip trying to connect to event
>>>> receiver nodes when publishing events even if
>>>>             the stats enabled flag is set to true. -->
>>>>         <SkipEventReceiverConnection>false</SkipEventReceiverConnect
>>>> ion>
>>>>         <!-- API Usage Data Publisher. -->
>>>>         <PublisherClass>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.publisher.APIMg
>>>> tUsageDataBridgeDataPublisher</PublisherClass>
>>>>         <!-- If below property set to true,then the response message
>>>> size will be calculated and publish
>>>>              with each successful API invocation event. -->
>>>>         <PublishResponseMessageSize>false</PublishResponseMessageSize>
>>>>         <!-- Data publishing stream names and versions of API requests,
>>>> responses and faults. If the default values
>>>>             are changed, the toolbox also needs to be changed
>>>> accordingly. -->
>>>>         <Streams>
>>>>             <Request>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.1.0</Version>
>>>>             </Request>
>>>>             <Response>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.response</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.1.0</Version>
>>>>             </Response>
>>>>             <Fault>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.fault</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>             </Fault>
>>>>             <Throttle>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.throttle</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>             </Throttle>
>>>>             <Workflow>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.workflow</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>             </Workflow>
>>>>             <ExecutionTime>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.execution.time</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>             </ExecutionTime>
>>>>    <AlertTypes>
>>>>                 <Name>org.wso2.analytics.apim.
>>>> alertStakeholderInfo</Name>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>             </AlertTypes>
>>>>         </Streams>
>>>>     </Analytics>
>>>>     <!--
>>>>         API key validator configuration used by API key manager (IS),
>>>> API store and API gateway.
>>>>         API gateway uses it to validate and authenticate users against
>>>> the provided API keys.
>>>>     -->
>>>>     <APIKeyValidator>
>>>>         <!-- Server URL of the API key manager -->
>>>>         <!--ServerURL>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}$
>>>> {carbon.context}services/</ServerURL-->
>>>> <ServerURL>https://localhost:9448/services/</ServerURL>
>>>>         <!-- Admin username for API key manager. -->
>>>>         <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>         <!-- Admin password for API key manager. -->
>>>>         <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>> <!--Username>admin</Username>
>>>> <Password>admin</Password-->
>>>>         <!-- Configurations related to enable thrift support for
>>>> key-management related communication.
>>>>              If you want to switch back to Web Service Client, change
>>>> the value of "KeyValidatorClientType" to "WSClient".
>>>>              In a distributed environment;
>>>>              -If you are at the Gateway node, you need to point
>>>> "ThriftClientPort" value to the "ThriftServerPort" value given at
>>>> KeyManager node.
>>>>              -If you need to start two API Manager instances in the
>>>> same machine, you need to give different ports to "ThriftServerPort" value
>>>> in two nodes.
>>>>              -ThriftServerHost - Allows to configure a hostname for the
>>>> thrift server. It uses the carbon hostname by default.
>>>>         -The Gateway uses this parameter to connect to the key
>>>> validation thrift service. -->
>>>>         <KeyValidatorClientType>WSClient</KeyValidatorClientType>
>>>>         <ThriftClientConnectionTimeOut>10000</ThriftClientConnection
>>>> TimeOut>
>>>>         <!--ThriftClientPort>10397</ThriftClientPort-->
>>>>         <EnableThriftServer>false</EnableThriftServer>
>>>>         <ThriftServerHost>localhost</ThriftServerHost>
>>>>         <!--ThriftServerPort>10397</ThriftServerPort-->
>>>>         <!--ConnectionPool>
>>>>             <MaxIdle>100</MaxIdle>
>>>>             <InitIdleCapacity>50</InitIdleCapacity>
>>>>         </ConnectionPool-->
>>>>         <!-- Specifies the implementation to be used for
>>>> KeyValidationHandler. Steps for validating a token can be controlled by
>>>> plugging in a
>>>>              custom KeyValidation Handler -->
>>>>         <KeyValidationHandlerClassName>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt
>>>> .handlers.DefaultKeyValidationHandler</KeyValidationHandlerClassName>
>>>>     </APIKeyValidator>
>>>>     <!-- Uncomment this section only if you are going to have an
>>>> instance other than KeyValidator as your KeyManager.
>>>>          Unless a ThirdParty KeyManager is used, you don't need to
>>>> configure this section. -->
>>>>     <!--APIKeyManager>
>>>>         <KeyManagerClientImpl>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.AMDefaultK
>>>> eyManagerImpl</KeyManagerClientImpl>
>>>>         <Configuration>
>>>>             <ServerURL>https://localhost:$
>>>> {mgt.transport.https.port}${carbon.context}services/</ServerURL>
>>>>             <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>             <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>             <TokenURL>https://${carbon.loc
>>>> al.ip}:${https.nio.port}/token</TokenURL>
>>>>             <RevokeURL>https://${carbon.lo
>>>> cal.ip}:${https.nio.port}/revoke</RevokeURL>
>>>>         </Configuration>
>>>>     </APIKeyManager-->
>>>>     <OAuthConfigurations>
>>>>         <!-- Remove OAuth headers from outgoing message. -->
>>>>         <!--RemoveOAuthHeadersFromOutMessage>true</RemoveOAuthHeader
>>>> sFromOutMessage-->
>>>>         <!-- Scope used for marking Application Tokens. If a token is
>>>> generated with this scope, they will be treated as Application Access
>>>> Tokens -->
>>>>         <ApplicationTokenScope>am_application_scope</ApplicationToke
>>>> nScope>
>>>>         <!-- All  scopes under the ScopeWhitelist element are not
>>>> validating against roles that has assigned to it.
>>>>              By default ^device_.* and openid scopes have been white
>>>> listed internally. -->
>>>>         <!--ScopeWhitelist>
>>>>             <Scope>^device_.*</Scope>
>>>>             <Scope>openid</Scope>
>>>>         </ScopeWhitelist-->
>>>>         <!-- Name of the token API -->
>>>>         <TokenEndPointName>/oauth2/token</TokenEndPointName>
>>>>         <!-- This the API URL for revoke API. When we revoke tokens
>>>> revoke requests should go through this
>>>>              API deployed in API gateway. Then it will do cache
>>>> invalidations related to revoked tokens.
>>>>              In distributed deployment we should configure this
>>>> property in key manager node by pointing
>>>>              gateway https( /http, we recommend users to use 'https'
>>>> endpoints for security purpose) url.
>>>>              Also please note that we should point gateway revoke
>>>> service to key manager -->
>>>>         <RevokeAPIURL>https://localhost:${https.nio.port}/revoke</Re
>>>> vokeAPIURL>
>>>>         <!-- Whether to encrypt tokens when storing in the Database
>>>>         Note: If changing this value to true, change the value of
>>>> <TokenPersistenceProcessor> to
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.tokenprocessor.EncryptionDecryptionPersistenceProcessor
>>>> in the identity.xml -->
>>>>         <EncryptPersistedTokens>false</EncryptPersistedTokens>
>>>>     </OAuthConfigurations>
>>>>     <!-- Settings related to managing API access tiers. -->
>>>>     <TierManagement>
>>>>         <!-- Enable the providers to expose their APIs over the special
>>>> 'Unlimited' tier which
>>>>              basically disables tier based throttling for the specified
>>>> APIs. -->
>>>>         <EnableUnlimitedTier>true</EnableUnlimitedTier>
>>>>     </TierManagement>
>>>>     <!-- API Store Related Configurations -->
>>>>     <APIStore>
>>>>         <!--GroupingExtractor>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.DefaultGro
>>>> upIDExtractorImpl</GroupingExtractor-->
>>>>         <!--This property is used to indicate how we do user name
>>>> comparision for token generation https://wso2.org/jira/browse/A
>>>> PIMANAGER-2225-->
>>>>         <CompareCaseInsensitively>true</CompareCaseInsensitively>
>>>>         <DisplayURL>false</DisplayURL>
>>>>         <URL>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/store</URL>
>>>>         <!-- Server URL of the API Store. -->
>>>>         <ServerURL>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}${ca
>>>> rbon.context}services/</ServerURL>
>>>>         <!-- Admin username for API Store. -->
>>>>         <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>         <!-- Admin password for API Store. -->
>>>>         <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies whether to display multiple
>>>> versions of same
>>>>              API or only showing the latest version of an API. -->
>>>>         <DisplayMultipleVersions>false</DisplayMultipleVersions>
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies whether to display all the APIs
>>>>              [which are having DEPRECATED/PUBLISHED status] or only
>>>> display the APIs
>>>>              with having their status is as 'PUBLISHED' -->
>>>>         <DisplayAllAPIs>false</DisplayAllAPIs>
>>>>         <!-- Uncomment this to limit the number of APIs in api the API
>>>> Store -->
>>>>         <!--APIsPerPage>5</APIsPerPage-->
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies whether to display the comment
>>>> editing facility or not.
>>>>              Default is "true". If user wants to disable, he must set
>>>> this param as "false" -->
>>>>         <DisplayComments>true</DisplayComments>
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies whether to display the ratings
>>>>  or not.
>>>>              Default is "true". If user wants to disable, he must set
>>>> this param as "false" -->
>>>>         <DisplayRatings>true</DisplayRatings>
>>>>         <!--set isStoreForumEnabled to false for disable forum in
>>>> store-->
>>>>         <!--isStoreForumEnabled>false</isStoreForumEnabled-->
>>>>     </APIStore>
>>>>     <APIPublisher>
>>>>         <DisplayURL>false</DisplayURL>
>>>>         <URL>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/publisher
>>>> </URL>
>>>>         <!-- This parameter specifies enabling the capability of
>>>> setting API documentation level granular visibility levels.
>>>>              By default any document associate with an API will have
>>>> the same permissions set as the API.With enabling below
>>>>              property,it will show two additional permission levels as
>>>> visible only to all registered users in a particular
>>>>              domain or only visible to API doc creator -->
>>>>         <!--EnableAPIDocVisibilityLevels>true</EnableAPIDocVisibilit
>>>> yLevels-->
>>>>         <!-- Uncomment this to limit the number of APIs in api the API
>>>> Publisher -->
>>>>         <!--APIsPerPage>30</APIsPerPage-->
>>>>     </APIPublisher>
>>>>     <!-- Status observers can be registered against the API Publisher
>>>> to listen for
>>>>          API status update events. Each observer must implement the
>>>> APIStatusObserver
>>>>          interface. Multiple observers can be engaged if necessary and
>>>> in such situations
>>>>          they will be notified in the order they are defined here.
>>>>          This configuration is unused from API Manager version 1.10.0
>>>> -->
>>>>     <!--StatusObservers>
>>>>         <Observer>org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.observers.SimpleLoggin
>>>> gObserver</Observer>
>>>>     </StatusObservers-->
>>>>     <!-- Use this configuration Create APIs at the Server startup -->
>>>>     <StartupAPIPublisher>
>>>>         <!-- Enable/Disable the API Startup Publisher -->
>>>>         <Enabled>false</Enabled>
>>>>         <!-- Configuration to create APIs for local endpoints.
>>>>              Endpoint will be computed as http://
>>>> ${carbon.local.ip}:${mgt.transport.http.port}/Context.
>>>>              Define many LocalAPI elements as below to create many APIs
>>>>              for local Endpoints.
>>>>              IconPath should be relative to CARBON_HOME. -->
>>>>         <LocalAPIs>
>>>>             <LocalAPI>
>>>>                 <Context>/resource</Context>
>>>>                 <Provider>admin</Provider>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>                 <IconPath>none</IconPath>
>>>>                 <DocumentURL>none</DocumentURL>
>>>>                 <AuthType>Any</AuthType>
>>>>             </LocalAPI>
>>>>         </LocalAPIs>
>>>>         <!-- Configuration to create APIs for remote endpoints.
>>>>              When Endpoint need to be defined use this configuration.
>>>>              Define many API elements as below to create many APIs
>>>>              for external Endpoints.
>>>>              If you do not need to add Icon or Documentation set
>>>>              'none' as the value for IconPath & DocumentURL. -->
>>>>         <!--APIs>
>>>>             <API>
>>>>                 <Context>/resource</Context>
>>>>                 <Endpoint>http://localhost:9764/resource</Endpoint>
>>>>                 <Provider>admin</Provider>
>>>>                 <Version>1.0.0</Version>
>>>>                 <IconPath>none</IconPath>
>>>>                 <DocumentURL>none</DocumentURL>
>>>>                 <AuthType>Any</AuthType>
>>>>             </API>
>>>>         </APIs-->
>>>>     </StartupAPIPublisher>
>>>>     <!-- Configuration to enable/disable sending CORS headers in the
>>>> Gateway response
>>>>          and define the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value.-->
>>>>     <CORSConfiguration>
>>>>         <!-- Configuration to enable/disable sending CORS headers from
>>>> the Gateway-->
>>>>         <Enabled>true</Enabled>
>>>>         <!-- The value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
>>>> Default values are
>>>>              API Store addresses, which is needed for swagger to
>>>> function. -->
>>>>         <Access-Control-Allow-Origin>*</Access-Control-Allow-Origin>
>>>>         <!-- Configure Access-Control-Allow-Methods -->
>>>>         <Access-Control-Allow-Methods>GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH,OPTI
>>>> ONS</Access-Control-Allow-Methods>
>>>>         <!-- Configure Access-Control-Allow-Headers -->
>>>>         <Access-Control-Allow-Headers>authorization,Access-Control-A
>>>> llow-Origin,Content-Type,SOAPAction</Access-Control-Allow-Headers>
>>>>         <!-- Configure Access-Control-Allow-Credentials -->
>>>>         <!-- Specifying this header to true means that the server
>>>> allows cookies (or other user credentials) to be included on cross-origin
>>>> requests.
>>>>              It is false by default and if you set it to true then make
>>>> sure that the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header does not contain the
>>>> wildcard (*) -->
>>>>         <Access-Control-Allow-Credentials>false</Access-Control-Allo
>>>> w-Credentials>
>>>>     </CORSConfiguration>
>>>>     <!-- This property is there to configure velocity log output into
>>>> existing Log4j carbon Logger.
>>>>          You can enable this and set preferable Logger name. -->
>>>>     <!-- VelocityLogger>VELOCITY</VelocityLogger -->
>>>>     <RESTAPI>
>>>>         <!--Configure white-listed URIs of REST API. Accessing
>>>> white-listed URIs does not require credentials (does not require
>>>> Authorization header). -->
>>>>         <WhiteListedURIs>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{version}/swagger.json</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/store/{version}/swagger.json</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/admin/{version}/swagger.json</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/store/{version}/apis</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/store/{version}/apis/{apiId}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/store/{version}/apis/{apiId}/swagger</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/store/{version}/a
>>>> pis/{apiId}/documents</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
>>>>             <WhiteListedURI>
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>>>> pis/{apiId}/documents/{documentId}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
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>>>> pis/{apiId}/documents/{documentId}/content</URI>
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>>>> pis/{apiId}/thumbnail</URI>
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>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
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>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,HEAD</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </WhiteListedURI>
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>>>> iers/{tierLevel}/{tierName}</URI>
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>>>> pis/{apiId}/documents</URI>
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>>>> n}/apis/{apiId}/thumbnail</URI>
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>>>> n}/apis/{apiId}/change-lifecycle</URI>
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>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/apis/{apiId}/copy-api</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>POST</HTTPMethods>
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>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/applications/{applicationId}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET</HTTPMethods>
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>>>> n}/apis/{apiId}/documents</URI>
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>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
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>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/apis/{apiId}/documents/{documentId}/content</URI>
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>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/apis/{apiId}/documents/{documentId}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,PUT,DELETE</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{version}/environments</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{version}/subscriptions</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/subscriptions/block-subscription</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>POST</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/subscriptions/unblock-subscription</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>POST</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/tiers/{tierLevel}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,POST</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/tiers/{tierLevel}/{tierName}</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>GET,PUT,DELETE</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>             <ETagSkipURI>
>>>>                 <URI>/api/am/publisher/{versio
>>>> n}/tiers/update-permission</URI>
>>>>                 <HTTPMethods>POST</HTTPMethods>
>>>>             </ETagSkipURI>
>>>>         </ETagSkipList>
>>>>     </RESTAPI>
>>>>     <ThrottlingConfigurations>
>>>>         <EnableAdvanceThrottling>true</EnableAdvanceThrottling>
>>>>         <DataPublisher>
>>>>             <Enabled>true</Enabled>
>>>>             <Type>Binary</Type>
>>>>             <ReceiverUrlGroup>tcp://${carb
>>>> on.local.ip}:${receiver.url.port}</ReceiverUrlGroup>
>>>>             <AuthUrlGroup>ssl://${carbon.l
>>>> ocal.ip}:${auth.url.port}</AuthUrlGroup>
>>>>             <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>             <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>             <DataPublisherPool>
>>>>                 <MaxIdle>1000</MaxIdle>
>>>>                 <InitIdleCapacity>200</InitIdleCapacity>
>>>>             </DataPublisherPool>
>>>>             <DataPublisherThreadPool>
>>>>                 <CorePoolSize>200</CorePoolSize>
>>>>                 <MaxmimumPoolSize>1000</MaxmimumPoolSize>
>>>>                 <KeepAliveTime>200</KeepAliveTime>
>>>>             </DataPublisherThreadPool>
>>>>         </DataPublisher>
>>>>         <PolicyDeployer>
>>>>             <ServiceURL>https://localhost:
>>>> ${mgt.transport.https.port}${carbon.context}services/</ServiceURL>
>>>>             <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>             <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>         </PolicyDeployer>
>>>>         <BlockCondition>
>>>>             <Enabled>true</Enabled>
>>>>             <!--InitDelay>300000</InitDelay>
>>>>             <Period>3600000</Period-->
>>>>         </BlockCondition>
>>>>         <JMSConnectionDetails>
>>>>             <Enabled>true</Enabled>
>>>>             <ServiceURL>tcp://${carbon.loc
>>>> al.ip}:${jms.port}</ServiceURL>
>>>>             <Username>${admin.username}</Username>
>>>>             <Password>${admin.password}</Password>
>>>>             <Destination>throttleData</Destination>
>>>>             <!--InitDelay>300000</InitDelay-->
>>>>             <JMSConnectionParameters>
>>>>                 <transport.jms.ConnectionFacto
>>>> ryJNDIName>TopicConnectionFactory</transport.jms.ConnectionF
>>>> actoryJNDIName>
>>>>                 <transport.jms.DestinationType
>>>> >topic</transport.jms.DestinationType>
>>>>                 <java.naming.factory.initial>o
>>>> rg.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory</java
>>>> .naming.factory.initial>
>>>>                 <connectionfactory.TopicConnec
>>>> tionFactory>amqp://${jms.username}:${jms.password}@clientid/
>>>> carbon?brokerlist='${jms.url}'</connectionfactory.TopicConne
>>>> ctionFactory>
>>>>             </JMSConnectionParameters>
>>>>             <JMSTaskManager>
>>>>                 <MinThreadPoolSize>20</MinThreadPoolSize>
>>>>                 <MaxThreadPoolSize>100</MaxThreadPoolSize>
>>>>                 <KeepAliveTimeInMillis>1000</KeepAliveTimeInMillis>
>>>>                 <JobQueueSize>10</JobQueueSize>
>>>>             </JMSTaskManager>
>>>>         </JMSConnectionDetails>
>>>>         <JMSEventPublisherParameters>
>>>>                 <java.naming.factory.initial>o
>>>> rg.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory</java
>>>> .naming.factory.initial>
>>>>                 <java.naming.provider.url>repo
>>>> sitory/conf/jndi.properties</java.naming.provider.url>
>>>>                 <transport.jms.DestinationType
>>>> >topic</transport.jms.DestinationType>
>>>>                 <transport.jms.Destination>thr
>>>> ottleData</transport.jms.Destination>
>>>>                 <transport.jms.ConcurrentPubli
>>>> shers>allow</transport.jms.ConcurrentPublishers>
>>>>                 <transport.jms.ConnectionFacto
>>>> ryJNDIName>TopicConnectionFactory</transport.jms.ConnectionF
>>>> actoryJNDIName>
>>>>         </JMSEventPublisherParameters>
>>>>         <!--DefaultLimits>
>>>>             <SubscriptionTierLimits>
>>>>                 <Gold>5000</Gold>
>>>>                 <Silver>2000</Silver>
>>>>                 <Bronze>1000</Bronze>
>>>>                 <Unauthenticated>60</Unauthenticated>
>>>>             </SubscriptionTierLimits>
>>>>             <ApplicationTierLimits>
>>>>                 <50PerMin>50</50PerMin>
>>>>                 <20PerMin>20</20PerMin>
>>>>                 <10PerMin>10</10PerMin>
>>>>             </ApplicationTierLimits>
>>>>             <ResourceLevelTierLimits>
>>>>                 <50KPerMin>50000</50KPerMin>
>>>>                 <20KPerMin>20000</20KPerMin>
>>>>                 <10KPerMin>10000</10KPerMin>
>>>>             </ResourceLevelTierLimits>
>>>>         </DefaultLimits-->
>>>>         <EnableUnlimitedTier>true</EnableUnlimitedTier>
>>>>         <EnableHeaderConditions>false</EnableHeaderConditions>
>>>>         <EnableJWTClaimConditions>false</EnableJWTClaimConditions>
>>>>         <EnableQueryParamConditions>false</EnableQueryParamConditions>
>>>>     </ThrottlingConfigurations>
>>>>     <WorkflowConfigurations>
>>>>         <Enabled>false</Enabled>
>>>>     <ServerUrl>https://localhost:9445/bpmn</ServerUrl>
>>>>     <ServerUser>${admin.username}</ServerUser>
>>>>     <ServerPassword>${admin.password}</ServerPassword>
>>>>     <WorkflowCallbackAPI>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https
>>>> .port}/api/am/publisher/v0.11/workflows/update-workflow-stat
>>>> us</WorkflowCallbackAPI>
>>>>         <TokenEndPoint>https://localhost:${https.nio.port}/token</To
>>>> kenEndPoint>
>>>>         <DCREndPoint>https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/c
>>>> lient-registration/v0.11/register</DCREndPoint>
>>>>         <DCREndPointUser>${admin.username}</DCREndPointUser>
>>>>         <DCREndPointPassword>${admin.password}</DCREndPointPassword>
>>>>     </WorkflowConfigurations>
>>>>     <SwaggerCodegen>
>>>>         <ClientGeneration>
>>>>             <GroupId>org.wso2</GroupId>
>>>>             <ArtifactId>org.wso2.client.</ArtifactId>
>>>>             <ModelPackage>org.wso2.client.model.</ModelPackage>
>>>>             <ApiPackage>org.wso2.client.api.</ApiPackage>
>>>>             <!-- Configure supported languages/Frameworks as comma
>>>> separated values,
>>>>              Supported Languages/Frameworks : android, java, scala,
>>>> csharp, cpp, dart, flash, go, groovy, javascript, jmeter,
>>>>              nodejs, perl, php, python, ruby, swift, clojure, aspNet5,
>>>> asyncScala, spring, csharpDotNet2, haskell-->
>>>>             <SupportedLanguages>java,android</SupportedLanguages>
>>>>         </ClientGeneration>
>>>>     </SwaggerCodegen>
>>>> </APIManager>
>>>> Do you need my IS one, too?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Thomas
>>>> 2017-06-15 22:16 GMT+02:00 Farasath Ahamed <farasa...@wso2.com>:
>>>>> Would be better if you could share the api-manager.xml configuration
>>>>> file to see if there are any errors in configs.
>>>>> Farasath Ahamed
>>>>> Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>> Mobile: +94777603866
>>>>> Blog: blog.farazath.com
>>>>> Twitter: @farazath619 <https://twitter.com/farazath619>
>>>>> <http://wso2.com/signature>
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Thomas LEGRAND <
>>>>> thomas.legr...@versusmind.eu> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>>> I followed the tutorial in [1] to configure my Identity Server (IS)
>>>>>> as a key manager for my API Manager (AM). When I create my Production &
>>>>>> Sandbox applications in the AM, I can see service providers created in 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> IS. I configures them to use SAML to retrieve informations like the 
>>>>>> roles,
>>>>>> if the authentication is successfull. And I can "exchange" my SAML
>>>>>> assertion for a OAuth token. So, everything is cool, here.
>>>>>> But, when I try to reuse this OAuth token to access to a resource via
>>>>>> the AM, it rejects me with this sweet message:
>>>>>>     <ams:fault xmlns:ams="http://wso2.org/apimanager/security";>
>>>>>>       <ams:code>900900</ams:code>
>>>>>>       <ams:message>Unclassified Authentication Failure</ams:message>
>>>>>>       <ams:description>Resource forbidden</ams:description>
>>>>>>     </ams:fault>
>>>>>> But no errors in the logs but just a WARN. So, I activated the DEBUG
>>>>>> mode and then, I can see some intersting things:
>>>>>> [2017-06-15 16:44:52,954]  WARN - APIAuthenticationHandler API
>>>>>> authentication failure due to Unclassified Authentication Failure
>>>>>> [2017-06-15 16:44:52,954] DEBUG - APIAuthenticationHandler API
>>>>>> authentication failed with error 900900
>>>>>> org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.handlers.security.APISecurityException:
>>>>>> Resource forbidden
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.keys.WSAPIKeyDataStore.getAPIKeyData(WSAP
>>>>>> IKeyDataStore.java:51)
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.APIKeyValidator.doGetKeyValidationInfo(AP
>>>>>> IKeyValidator.java:253)
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.APIKeyValidator.getKeyValidationInfo(APIK
>>>>>> eyValidator.java:209)
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.oauth.OAuthAuthenticator.authenticate(OAu
>>>>>> thAuthenticator.java:196)
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.APIAuthenticationHandler.handleRequest(AP
>>>>>> IAuthenticationHandler.java:117)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.rest.API.process(API.java:325)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.rest.RESTRe
>>>>>> questHandler.dispatchToAPI(RESTRequestHandler.java:90)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.rest.RESTRe
>>>>>> questHandler.process(RESTRequestHandler.java:69)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.
>>>>>> Axis2SynapseEnvironment.injectMessage(Axis2SynapseEnvironmen
>>>>>> t.java:304)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.
>>>>>> SynapseMessageReceiver.receive(SynapseMessageReceiver.java:78)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEn
>>>>>> gine.receive(AxisEngine.java:180)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.transport.p
>>>>>> assthru.ServerWorker.processNonEntityEnclosingRESTHandler(Se
>>>>>> rverWorker.java:325)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.synapse.transport.p
>>>>>> assthru.ServerWorker.run(ServerWorker.java:158)
>>>>>>         at org.apache.axis2.transport.bas
>>>>>> e.threads.NativeWorkerPool$1.run(NativeWorkerPool.java:172)
>>>>>>         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoo
>>>>>> lExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
>>>>>>         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoo
>>>>>> lExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
>>>>>>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>>>>>> Caused by: org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.APISecurityException: Error while accessing
>>>>>> backend services for API key validation
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.keys.APIKeyValidatorClient.getAPIKeyData(
>>>>>> APIKeyValidatorClient.java:114)
>>>>>>         at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway
>>>>>> .handlers.security.keys.WSAPIKeyDataStore.getAPIKeyData(WSAP
>>>>>> IKeyDataStore.java:48)
>>>>>>         ... 16 more
>>>>>> Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
>>>>>> Mapping qname not fond for the package: java.util
>>>>>> From here, I don't know what to do since I tried some fancy URLs for
>>>>>> the ServerURL value in the elements AuthManager and APIKeyValidator.
>>>>>> My IS has an offset of 5 so the port is 9448. Here is the URL I used
>>>>>> to point to the IS server: https://localhost:9448/services/
>>>>>> Is there a way to know in which URL the IS deploy its Key Manager
>>>>>> feature web services (WS)?
>>>>>> Should I reinstall the Key Manager feature in the IS?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>> [1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Configuring+WSO2+Ide
>>>>>> ntity+Server+as+a+Key+Manager
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>>> --
>>> Rajith Roshan
>>> Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
>>> Mobile: +94-7 <%2B94-71-554-8430>17-064-214

Rajith Roshan
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
Mobile: +94-7 <%2B94-71-554-8430>17-064-214
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