cool, Thank you !

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 11:58 PM, Grainier Perera <> wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> In that case, you can either remove events from the table which are older
> than 24hrs, or you can include a condition to the join query to ignore
> events that are older than 24hrs. Please refer to the sample below;
> @Plan:name('TestExecutionPlan')
>> define stream publisher (pid string, time string);
>> define stream subscriber (pid string, sid string, time string);
>> define table publisherTable (pid string, time string, timestamp long);
>> define trigger purgeTrigger at '0 0 0 ? * *';
>> -- Purge records older than 24 hours
>> *from purgeTrigger delete publisherTable on (triggered_time -
>> publisherTable.timestamp) >= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; *
>> from publisher
>> select pid, time, time:timestampInMilliseconds() as timestamp
>> insert into publisherTable;
>> -- Double check the time range
>> from subscriber as s join publisherTable as p
>> on == *AND ((time:timestampInMilliseconds() - p.timestamp) <
>> 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)*
>> select, s.sid, s.time
>> insert into AlertStream;
> Regards,
> Grainier.
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Jayesh Senjaliya <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Grainier,
>> even table approach make sense, but is there a way to limit the event
>> table to keep the events for let say 24 hour or so and then discard it ?
>> Thanks for looking into this.
>> Jay
>> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 11:51 PM, Grainier Perera <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jay,
>>> In your pattern, when a match found, it will discard that event (e1 in
>>> your scenario), so it won't get compared with other events. However, if you
>>> need to hold that event and match it with more than a single event, then
>>> you can use an event table as shown below.
>>> @Plan:name('TestExecutionPlan')
>>>> define stream publisher (pid string, time string);
>>>> define stream subscriber (pid string, sid string, time string);
>>>> define table publisherTable (pid string, time string);
>>>> from publisher
>>>> insert into publisherTable;
>>> -- Option 1
>>> from subscriber[ == pid in publisherTable]
>>>> select pid, time
>>>> insert into AlertStream1;
>>> -- Option 2
>>>> from subscriber as s join publisherTable as p
>>>> on ==
>>>> select, s.sid, s.time
>>>> insert into AlertStream2;
>>> Regards,
>>> Grainier.
>>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Jayesh Senjaliya <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello WSO2 community.
>>>> I am trying to implement a siddhi query where 1 event in publisher can
>>>> have multiple event in subscriber. this fits well in pattern query but it
>>>> looks like it outputs as soon as 1 event is matched and there is no way to
>>>> window or tell the count.
>>>> here is the execution plan i have came up with that should have matches
>>>> all mapping but its not working that way, it only outputs 1 event, the
>>>> first one that matches.
>>>> can someone please look at this and help me figure out why it is not
>>>> working? or what would be right way to get this?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Jay
>>>> Execution Plan:
>>>> @Plan:name('TestExecutionPlan')
>>>> define stream publisher (pid string, time string);
>>>> define stream subscriber (pid string, sid string, time string);
>>>> @info(name = 'query2')
>>>> from every( e1=publisher ) -> e2=subscriber[ == ]
>>>> select, e2.sid, e2.time
>>>> insert into AlertStream;
>>>> here is the sample events if you want to try on siddhi-try-it tool
>>>> publisher=[1,2017-08-15 01:08:30.253]
>>>> publisher=[2,2017-08-15 02:08:30.253]
>>>> publisher=[3,2017-08-15 03:08:30.253]
>>>> subscriber=[1, 12,2017-08-15 21:08:30.253]
>>>> subscriber=[1, 13,2017-08-15 21:10:30.253]
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>>>> Dev mailing list
>>> --
>>> Grainier Perera
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> Mobile : +94716122384 <+94%2071%20612%202384>
>>> WSO2 Inc. |
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
> --
> Grainier Perera
> Senior Software Engineer
> Mobile : +94716122384 <+94%2071%20612%202384>
> WSO2 Inc. |
> lean.enterprise.middleware
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