On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 7:38 PM, Ushani Balasooriya <ush...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi IAM team,
> I am trying to implement a thirdparty web app to manage users and roles
> functionalities as explained in this blog post [1] Solution 26.
> According to the solution, it says,
> *"The WSO2 Identity Server exposes a set of REST endpoints as well as
> SOAP-based services for user management, the web app just need to talk to
> these endpoints, without having to deal directly with underlying user
> stores (LDAP, AD, JDBC)."*
> This [2] is the only document I can find as the available API for user
> role management.
> Please verify whether my below understandings are correct to proceed with
> this solution.
> 1. Since WSO2IS does not provide any REST API for user/role management,
> there will not be a particular API where I can use as endpoint in my third
> party application.
> Therefore my web app should use a class as explained in this [2] document.
> 2. We should not consider SCIM as REST endpoint to manage users since it
> is used to provision users to external system. Therefore I cannot treat
> SCIM as a REST endpoint which can use to add users and roles.

IMO this is not entirely correct.
SCIM inbound connector is used to provision users *in to* Identity Server
and the SCIM outbound connector can be used provision user to external
systems as you explained.

SCIM inbound connector exposes a REST endpoint through which you can do
CRUD operation on users/groups. This can be considered as a REST endpoint
to manage users. Both SCIM and our SOAP APIs talk to the same underlying
user-core impelementation to achieve CRUD on users (user stores).

Moreover SCIM simply provides a RESTful layer over our usercore
funcionality. So I don't see why we should not consider SCIM as a REST API
to manage users.
Infact we have customers using SCIM to achieve user registration, user
profile update etc.

> [1] https://medium.facilelogin.com/thirty-solution-patterns-
> with-the-wso2-identity-server-16f9fd0c0389
> [2] https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS530/Managing+Users+and+
> Roles+with+APIs#ManagingUsersandRoleswithAPIs-addRole()
> Thanks,
> --
> *Ushani Balasooriya*
> Associate Technical Lead - EE;
> WSO2 Inc; http://www.wso2.com/.
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