Hi all.

Recently I followed this guide[1] for enable api monetizaction in WSO2 APIM
2.1.0 with severals errors.

1. The code with the workflow and the billing engine point out to[2] with
version 1.10. This code use this maven dependency [3] with a issue related
with the org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl_6.1.66.jar inside WSO2 APIM 2.1.0. I
found a more updated version in [4]

In version 5.0.3 you create apiMgtDAO  object with this line:

ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = new ApiMgtDAO();

In version 6.1.66 with this another line:

ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();

2. Inside the jaggery api store webapp I found a issue with the module
workflow in the function resumeWorkflow. Inside this function it try to
call this java method:

result = store.resumeWorkflow(workflowReference, status, description);

but inside the org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.hostobjects_6.1.66 jar file the
method get called with the followings parameters:

public static void jsFunction_loadRegistryOfTenant(Context cx, Scriptable
thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj)

In any case, inside this file:
/site/blocks/workflow/workflow-listener/ajax/workflow-listener.jag I cannot
get a response from this invocation:

result = mod.resumeWorkflow(workflowReference, status, description);

Always = empty so:

if (result.error) = false

response.status = result.statusCode; // with errors..

Any help or idea?


[1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Enabling+Monetization+of+APIs


[3]         <dependency>

[4] https://github.com/chamilaadhi/wso2-am-billing-engine
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