Hi Thivya,

To check the JWT is get altered or not, you need to do a signature
verification. Please refer articles.

[1] https://jwt.io/introduction/ <https://jwt.io/introduction/>

Thanks and Best Regards,

Saneth Dharmakeerthi
*Associate Technical Lead*
WSO2, Inc.
Mobile: +94772325511


On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Thivya Mahenthirarasa <thi...@wso2.com>

> Hi Dev,
> I'm transferring some attributes by the claims of *JSON Web Token (JWT)  *from
> the end user(APIM210) to my backend(ESB500) by following the wos2 doc[1].
> And I have used Base64Utils to decode the head attributes and received the
> needed attribute at the synapse level of the ESB(backend). The piece of
> codes is as follows.
> But I feel not satisfied that it's not a secure way as this encoding and
> decoding can be modified by the third party in during the communication.
> Could you help in suggesting ideas in achieving the validation to be done
> in ESB level(decoding should be done in ESB level )?
> String jwt_assertion = (String) headers.get("x-jwt-assertion"); //the header 
> element from jwt
> String [] jwt_assertion_items = jwt_assertion.split("\\.");
> byte[] byteArray =  Base64Utils.decode(jwt_assertion_items[1]); // retrieve 
> the JWT payload
> [1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM200/Passing+Enduser+
> Attributes+to+the+Backend+Using+JWT#PassingEnduserAttributestotheB
> ackendUsingJWT-ChangingtheJWTencodingtoBase64URLencoding
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> Thivya
> --
> *Thivya Mahenthirarasa*
> *Software Engineer -Support Team | WSO2*
> *Email: thi...@wso2.com <thi...@wso2.com>*
> *Mobile: +94766461966 <+94%2076%20646%201966> <http://wso2.com/signature>*
> *Web: http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*
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