For facilitating a simple solution. I suggest only to send to client the SOAP 
part of response:

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV: Envelope xmlns: SOAP-ENV = 
""; xmlns: ns1 = 
<SOAP-ENV: Body>
<ns1: identifier> xa3x2xxxxx8xx7 </ ns1: identifier>
</ resultInfoSend>
</ SOAP-ENV: Body>
</ SOAP-ENV: Envelope>

And remove file’s information:

--urn: uuid: ax7xx36-98xx9-4ex1-bxxc-ax1xxxxx8bxc
Content-Type: text / xml; charset = utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-ID: <urn: uuid: 3xcxxx4b-x9ea-xxf6-81c3-8a8xxxxe6bx7>

--urn: uuid: a07xxx6-9xxx9-4xxa1-xx9c-a91dxxbcc
Content-Type: application / octet-stream; charset = utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <urn: uuid: 69xxx17b-x96c-xx3e-9x78-721dxxxxxxa23>
--urn: uuid: a07xxx6-9xxx9-4ea1-bxxc-a9xxx0c8bcc-

Would it be possible?

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