
we have an API manager running 2.1.0 version ; we want to replace this server 
and install a brandnew API manager with a 2 nodes cluster (active/active) 
running  2.5.0 (new servers and new DBs).
The question is how shall we proceed to transfer datas (APIs definition, 
applications, users, grants …) from our current system to the new one ?  

Are we to copy current databases (all are postgres DB except metrics DB which 
is H2 type) to new DB and synapse-configs to new servers, run 2.1.0 version on 
new system,  then apply the upgrade process as described at 
https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM250/Upgrading+from+the+Previous+Release ?

(by the way, online upgrade info to latest 2.6.0 should be fine)

Thanks for your help
Bernard Paris

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