Hi Biruntha,

I have added the fix to the connector in the following pr [1]. Could you
please check now.

[1]. https://github.com/wso2-extensions/esb-connector-amazons3/pull/25


On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 12:35 PM Keerthika Mahendralingam <
keerth...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Biruntha,
> This method is working fine with EI 6.1.1. But getting the same error as
> yours with EI 6.4.0. Need to check.
> Thanks,
> Keerthika.
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 11:45 AM Keerthika Mahendralingam <
> keerth...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Biruntha,
>> I have tried the deleteBucketReplication with the following request. It
>> worked for me.
>> <deleteBucketReplication>
>>     <accessKeyId>XXXXXXX</accessKeyId>
>>     <secretAccessKey>XXXXXXXX</secretAccessKey>
>>     <methodType>DELETE</methodType>
>>     <contentType>application/xml</contentType>
>>     <isXAmzDate>true</isXAmzDate>
>>     <bucketName>signv4test</bucketName>
>>     <host>s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com</host>
>>     <bucketUrl>http://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/signv4test</bucketUrl>
>>     <contentLength></contentLength>
>>     <contentMD5></contentMD5>
>>     <region>us-east-2</region>
>>     <expect></expect>
>>     <xAmzSecurityToken></xAmzSecurityToken>
>>     <xAmzAcl>public-read</xAmzAcl>
>> </deleteBucketReplication>
>> Thanks,
>> Keerthika.
>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 9:23 AM Biruntha Gnaneswaran <birun...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Keerthika,
>>> I have tried with the above mentioned two configs. But for both configs
>>> I'm getting RequestTimeout error as in [1]. Please find the wire log for
>>> this two request and response [2] & [3].
>>> [1]
>>> <Error>
>>>     <Code>RequestTimeout</Code>
>>>     <Message>Your socket connection to the server was not read from or
>>> written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be
>>> closed.</Message>
>>>     <RequestId>9D3D185B485D9BD9</RequestId>
>>> <HostId>RhLOUIb8SMBZCLTddE0oKFF4OxZ5qQOOIDjikeB66xQgIHshsdsk0fHUdPd1TTgEelN8WZT4XWE=</HostId>
>>> </Error>
>>> [2]
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,966] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "POST /services/amazons3_deleteBucketReplication
>>> HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "cache-control: no-cache[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Postman-Token:
>>> 96535872-a3e1-4702-ad2d-f87b5a8a93cd[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.3.0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Accept: */*[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Host: biruntha:8280[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "content-length: 827[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,967] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "<deleteBucketReplication>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <accessKeyId>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</accessKeyId>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "
>>> <secretAccessKey>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</secretAccessKey>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <methodType>DELETE</methodType>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <isXAmzDate>true</isXAmzDate>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <contentLength>0</contentLength>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <contentMD5></contentMD5>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <region>us-east-2</region>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <bucketName>testbuckkkbiru</bucketName>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <host>s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com</host>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <bucketUrl>
>>> http://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/testbuckkkbiru</bucketUrl>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <expect></expect>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzSecurityToken></xAmzSecurityToken>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzAcl>public-read</xAmzAcl>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzGrantRead></xAmzGrantRead>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzGrantWrite></xAmzGrantWrite>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzGrantReadAcp></xAmzGrantReadAcp>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,968] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzGrantWriteAcp></xAmzGrantWriteAcp>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "    <xAmzGrantFullControl></xAmzGrantFullControl>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "</deleteBucketReplication>"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> POST /services/amazons3_deleteBucketReplication HTTP/1.1
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> Content-Type: application/xml
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> cache-control: no-cache
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> Postman-Token: 96535872-a3e1-4702-ad2d-f87b5a8a93cd
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.3.0
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> Accept: */*
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> Host: biruntha:8280
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> content-length: 827
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:21,969] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 >>
>>> Connection: keep-alive
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,070] [EI-Core]  WARN - SequenceMediator onError
>>> handler : faultHandlerSeq for sequence : null cannot be found
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,435] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> DELETE /testbuckkkbiru/?replication HTTP/1.1
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,436] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
>>> Credential=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/20181108/us-east-2/s3/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date,Signature=7841691c4d2ff9aa2cf26a74fb71b19ae0312993f8d7209d3e6140ce21e23c9a
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,436] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> x-amz-content-sha256: UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,436] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Accept: */*
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,436] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> x-amz-date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:43:22 GMT
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,436] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Postman-Token: 96535872-a3e1-4702-ad2d-f87b5a8a93cd
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,438] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> cache-control: no-cache
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,439] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,440] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Content-Type:
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,440] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,440] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Host: s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,441] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,441] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 >>
>>> User-Agent: Synapse-PT-HttpComponents-NIO
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,442] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "DELETE /testbuckkkbiru/?replication HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,443] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
>>> Credential=xxxxxxxxxxxx/20181108/us-east-2/s3/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date,Signature=7841691c4d2ff9aa2cf26a74fb71b19ae0312993f8d7209d3e6140ce21e23c9a[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,443] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "x-amz-content-sha256: UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,443] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Accept: */*[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,443] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "x-amz-date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:43:22 GMT[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,443] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Postman-Token:
>>> 96535872-a3e1-4702-ad2d-f87b5a8a93cd[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,443] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "cache-control: no-cache[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,444] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,445] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Content-Type: [\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,445] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,445] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Host: s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,445] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,445] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "User-Agent: Synapse-PT-HttpComponents-NIO[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,445] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,446] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "1ae[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,446] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 <<
>>> "accessKeyId=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&secretAccessKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&methodType=DELETE&isXAmzDate=true&contentLength=0&contentMD5=&region=us-east-2&bucketName=testbuckkkbiru&host=
>>> s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com&bucketUrl=http%3A%2F%
>>> 2Fs3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>> %2Ftestbuckkkbiru&expect=&xAmzSecurityToken=&xAmzAcl=public-read&xAmzGrantRead=&xAmzGrantWrite=&xAmzGrantReadAcp=&xAmzGrantWriteAcp=&xAmzGrantFullControl=[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,446] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:22,446] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,778] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,779] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "x-amz-request-id: 9D3D185B485D9BD9[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,779] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "x-amz-id-2:
>>> RhLOUIb8SMBZCLTddE0oKFF4OxZ5qQOOIDjikeB66xQgIHshsdsk0fHUdPd1TTgEelN8WZT4XWE=[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,780] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,780] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,780] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:43:43 GMT[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,781] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Connection: close[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,781] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "Server: AmazonS3[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,782] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,782] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "168[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,782] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,782] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "<Error><Code>RequestTimeout</Code><Message>Your socket
>>> connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout
>>> period. Idle connections will be
>>> closed.</Message><RequestId>9D3D185B485D9BD9</RequestId><HostId>RhLOUIb8SMBZCLTddE0oKFF4OxZ5qQOOIDjikeB66xQgIHshsdsk0fHUdPd1TTgEelN8WZT4XWE=</HostId></Error>[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,783] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,783] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 >> "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,784] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,784] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> x-amz-request-id: 9D3D185B485D9BD9
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,784] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> x-amz-id-2:
>>> RhLOUIb8SMBZCLTddE0oKFF4OxZ5qQOOIDjikeB66xQgIHshsdsk0fHUdPd1TTgEelN8WZT4XWE=
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,784] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> Content-Type: application/xml
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,785] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,785] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:43:43 GMT
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,785] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> Connection: close
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,785] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-2 <<
>>> Server: AmazonS3
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,801] [EI-Core]  WARN - SequenceMediator onError
>>> handler : faultHandlerSeq for sequence : null cannot be found
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,823] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 <<
>>> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,824] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 <<
>>> Content-Type: application/xml
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,824] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 <<
>>> Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:43:42 GMT
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,824] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 <<
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,825] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-2 <<
>>> Connection: Close
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,825] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,825] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:43:42 GMT[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "Connection: Close[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "168[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,826] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "<Error><Code>RequestTimeout</Code><Message>Your socket
>>> connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout
>>> period. Idle connections will be
>>> closed.</Message><RequestId>9D3D185B485D9BD9</RequestId><HostId>RhLOUIb8SMBZCLTddE0oKFF4OxZ5qQOOIDjikeB66xQgIHshsdsk0fHUdPd1TTgEelN8WZT4XWE=</HostId></Error>[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,827] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:13:42,827] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-2 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [3]
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,913] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "POST /services/amazons3_deleteBucketReplication
>>> HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,915] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,915] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "cache-control: no-cache[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,917] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Postman-Token:
>>> e888f860-7d44-462b-93e6-b7bb6a17a1ec[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.3.0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Accept: */*[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Host: biruntha:8280[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "content-length: 799[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "<deleteBucketReplication>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,918] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <accessKeyId>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</accessKeyId>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,919] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <secretAccessKey>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</secretAccessKey>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,919] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <methodType>DELETE</methodType>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,919] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <isXAmzDate>true</isXAmzDate>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <contentLength>0</contentLength>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <contentMD5></contentMD5>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <region>us-east-2</region>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "     <host>testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>> </host>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <bucketUrl>
>>> http://testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com</bucketUrl>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <expect></expect>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzSecurityToken></xAmzSecurityToken>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzAcl>public-read</xAmzAcl>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,921] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzGrantRead></xAmzGrantRead>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,922] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzGrantWrite></xAmzGrantWrite>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,922] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzGrantReadAcp></xAmzGrantReadAcp>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,922] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzGrantWriteAcp></xAmzGrantWriteAcp>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,922] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "    <xAmzGrantFullControl></xAmzGrantFullControl>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,922] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "</deleteBucketReplication>"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,927] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> POST /services/amazons3_deleteBucketReplication HTTP/1.1
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,930] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> Content-Type: application/xml
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,930] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> cache-control: no-cache
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,930] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> Postman-Token: e888f860-7d44-462b-93e6-b7bb6a17a1ec
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,930] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.3.0
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,934] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> Accept: */*
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,934] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> Host: biruntha:8280
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,934] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,934] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> content-length: 799
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:50,934] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 >>
>>> Connection: keep-alive
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:51,162] [EI-Core]  WARN - SequenceMediator onError
>>> handler : faultHandlerSeq for sequence : null cannot be found
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:51,250] [EI-Core]  INFO - TimeoutHandler This engine
>>> will expire all callbacks after GLOBAL_TIMEOUT: 120 seconds, irrespective
>>> of the timeout action, after the specified or optional timeout
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,313] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> DELETE /?replication HTTP/1.1
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,314] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
>>> Credential=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/20181108/us-east-2/s3/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date,Signature=0f8885fde904882efc96a5c8c4627e9ad79bbefa1a308443af4256b2ad4c25ca
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,314] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> x-amz-content-sha256: UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,314] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Accept: */*
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> x-amz-date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:41:51 GMT
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Postman-Token: e888f860-7d44-462b-93e6-b7bb6a17a1ec
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> cache-control: no-cache
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Content-Type:
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Host: testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,315] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 >>
>>> User-Agent: Synapse-PT-HttpComponents-NIO
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "DELETE /?replication HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
>>> Credential=xxxxxxxxxxx/20181108/us-east-2/s3/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date,Signature=0f8885fde904882efc96a5c8c4627e9ad79bbefa1a308443af4256b2ad4c25ca[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "x-amz-content-sha256: UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Accept: */*[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "x-amz-date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:41:51 GMT[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Postman-Token:
>>> e888f860-7d44-462b-93e6-b7bb6a17a1ec[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "cache-control: no-cache[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,319] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Content-Type: [\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Host: testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>> [\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "User-Agent: Synapse-PT-HttpComponents-NIO[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "1a1[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 <<
>>> "accessKeyId=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&secretAccessKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&methodType=DELETE&isXAmzDate=true&contentLength=0&contentMD5=&region=us-east-2&host=
>>> testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com&bucketUrl=http%3A%2F%
>>> 2Ftestbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>> &expect=&xAmzSecurityToken=&xAmzAcl=public-read&xAmzGrantRead=&xAmzGrantWrite=&xAmzGrantReadAcp=&xAmzGrantWriteAcp=&xAmzGrantFullControl=[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:11:52,320] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,744] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,745] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "x-amz-request-id: B6F5E938580BA667[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,746] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "x-amz-id-2:
>>> r6uXD7k9kVwqCAPd44EnDB6xm80XtQjBQpGW1NY+ozg/UIgajRw2ZZmD/u+gGJy5e3ypGBli1U0=[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,746] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,746] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,747] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:42:13 GMT[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,747] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Connection: close[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,748] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "Server: AmazonS3[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,748] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,748] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "168[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,748] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,749] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "<Error><Code>RequestTimeout</Code><Message>Your socket
>>> connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout
>>> period. Idle connections will be
>>> closed.</Message><RequestId>B6F5E938580BA667</RequestId><HostId>r6uXD7k9kVwqCAPd44EnDB6xm80XtQjBQpGW1NY+ozg/UIgajRw2ZZmD/u+gGJy5e3ypGBli1U0=</HostId></Error>[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,749] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,749] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 >> "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,755] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,755] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> x-amz-request-id: B6F5E938580BA667
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,756] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> x-amz-id-2:
>>> r6uXD7k9kVwqCAPd44EnDB6xm80XtQjBQpGW1NY+ozg/UIgajRw2ZZmD/u+gGJy5e3ypGBli1U0=
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,756] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> Content-Type: application/xml
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,757] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,758] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:42:13 GMT
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,758] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> Connection: close
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,758] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-outgoing-1 <<
>>> Server: AmazonS3
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,794] [EI-Core]  WARN - SequenceMediator onError
>>> handler : faultHandlerSeq for sequence : null cannot be found
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,802] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 <<
>>> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,802] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 <<
>>> Content-Type: application/xml
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,802] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 <<
>>> Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:42:12 GMT
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,802] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 <<
>>> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,802] [EI-Core] DEBUG - headers http-incoming-1 <<
>>> Connection: Close
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,803] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 03:42:12 GMT[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "Connection: Close[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "168[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>[\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "<Error><Code>RequestTimeout</Code><Message>Your socket
>>> connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout
>>> period. Idle connections will be
>>> closed.</Message><RequestId>B6F5E938580BA667</RequestId><HostId>r6uXD7k9kVwqCAPd44EnDB6xm80XtQjBQpGW1NY+ozg/UIgajRw2ZZmD/u+gGJy5e3ypGBli1U0=</HostId></Error>[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "0[\r][\n]"
>>> [2018-11-08 09:12:12,804] [EI-Core] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Listener I/O
>>> dispatcher-1 << "[\r][\n]
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 5:54 PM, Keerthika Mahendralingam <
>>> keerth...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Biruntha,
>>>> If you are using virtual-hosted–style bucket url(
>>>> http://testbuckkkbiru.s3.amazonaws.com) then the host should be
>>>> testbuckkkbiru.s3.amazonaws.com and you should not provide the
>>>> bucketName in your init configuration. And also, since you are trying to
>>>> access the bucket from us-east-2 your bucket url should be
>>>> http://testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com. Could you please try
>>>> with the following config:
>>>> <deleteBucketReplication>
>>>>     <accessKeyId>xxxxxx</accessKeyId>
>>>>     <secretAccessKey>xxxxxxxxxx</secretAccessKey>
>>>>     <methodType>DELETE</methodType>
>>>>     <contentType>application/xml</contentType>
>>>>     <isXAmzDate>true</isXAmzDate>
>>>>     <bucketName>testbuckkkbiru</bucketName>
>>>>     <host>s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com</host>
>>>>     <bucketUrl>http://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/testbuckkkbiru
>>>> </bucketUrl>
>>>>     <contentLength></contentLength>
>>>>     <contentMD5></contentMD5>
>>>>     <region>us-east-2</region>
>>>>     <expect></expect>
>>>>     <xAmzSecurityToken></xAmzSecurityToken>
>>>>     <xAmzAcl>public-read</xAmzAcl>
>>>> </deleteBucketReplication>
>>>> or
>>>> <deleteBucketReplication>
>>>>     <accessKeyId>xxxxxx</accessKeyId>
>>>>     <secretAccessKey>xxxxxxxxxx</secretAccessKey>
>>>>     <methodType>DELETE</methodType>
>>>>     <contentType>application/xml</contentType>
>>>>     <isXAmzDate>true</isXAmzDate>
>>>>     <host>testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com</host>
>>>>     <bucketUrl>http://testbuckkkbiru.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>>> </bucketUrl>
>>>>     <contentLength></contentLength>
>>>>     <contentMD5></contentMD5>
>>>>     <region>us-east-2</region>
>>>>     <expect></expect>
>>>>     <xAmzSecurityToken></xAmzSecurityToken>
>>>>     <xAmzAcl>public-read</xAmzAcl>
>>>> </deleteBucketReplication>
>>>> [1]. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Keerthika.
>>>> On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 11:52 AM Biruntha Gnaneswaran <birun...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Shakila,
>>>>> I have tried as you mentioned but still I'm getting
>>>>> "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error. So, I have posted stackoverflow question
>>>>> regarding this [1].
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52714250/getting-signaturedoesnotmatch-error-with-delete-bucket-replication-operation-i
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Shakila Sasikaran <shak...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Biruntha,
>>>>>> As per the API documentation [1], I think the bucket URL should be
>>>>>> like <BUCKET_NAME>/<HOST>. Could you please try with 
>>>>>> *http://testbuckkkbiru.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com
>>>>>> <http://testbuckkkbiru.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com>*?
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEreplication.html
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 3:00 PM Biruntha Gnaneswaran <
>>>>>> birun...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I'm trying to use deleteBucketReplication operation in amazon s3
>>>>>>> connector [1] & [2]. But I'm getting "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error with 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> sample request [3] & [4].  When I try this method with host and 
>>>>>>> bucketUrl
>>>>>>> as in [5], I'm getting error as in [6]. Am I missed anything? Appreciate
>>>>>>> your input on this.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEreplication.html
>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>> https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESBCONNECTORS/Working+with+Buckets+in+Amazon+S3#WorkingwithBucketsinAmazonS3-deleteBucketReplication
>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>> <deleteBucketReplication>
>>>>>>>     <accessKeyId>xxxxxx</accessKeyId>
>>>>>>>     <secretAccessKey>xxxxxxxxxx</secretAccessKey>
>>>>>>>     <methodType>DELETE</methodType>
>>>>>>>     <contentType>application/xml</contentType>
>>>>>>>     <isXAmzDate>true</isXAmzDate>
>>>>>>>     <bucketUrl>http://testbuckkkbiru.s3.amazonaws.com</bucketUrl>
>>>>>>>     <contentLength></contentLength>
>>>>>>>     <contentMD5></contentMD5>
>>>>>>>     <region>us-east-2</region>
>>>>>>>     <bucketName>testbuckkkbiru</bucketName>
>>>>>>>     <host>s3.amazonaws.com</host>
>>>>>>>     <expect></expect>
>>>>>>>     <xAmzSecurityToken></xAmzSecurityToken>
>>>>>>>     <xAmzAcl>public-read</xAmzAcl>
>>>>>>> </deleteBucketReplication>
>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>>> <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse";
>>>>>>>        name="amazons3_deleteBucketReplication"
>>>>>>>        startOnLoad="true"
>>>>>>>        statistics="disable"
>>>>>>>        trace="disable"
>>>>>>>        transports="http,https">
>>>>>>>    <target>
>>>>>>>       <inSequence onError="faultHandlerSeq">
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//accessKeyId/text()"
>>>>>>> name="accessKeyId"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//secretAccessKey/text()"
>>>>>>> name="secretAccessKey"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//methodType/text()"
>>>>>>> name="methodType"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//contentType/text()"
>>>>>>> name="contentType"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//bucketName/text()"
>>>>>>> name="bucketName"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//region/text()" name="region"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//isXAmzDate/text()"
>>>>>>> name="isXAmzDate"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//contentMD5/text()"
>>>>>>> name="contentMD5"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//xAmzSecurityToken/text()"
>>>>>>> name="xAmzSecurityToken"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//host/text()" name="host"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//expect/text()" name="expect"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//contentLength/text()"
>>>>>>> name="contentLength"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//xAmzMfa/text()" name="xAmzMfa"/>
>>>>>>>          <property expression="//bucketUrl/text()" name="bucketUrl"/>
>>>>>>>          <amazons3.init>
>>>>>>>             <accessKeyId>{$ctx:accessKeyId}</accessKeyId>
>>>>>>>             <secretAccessKey>{$ctx:secretAccessKey}</secretAccessKey>
>>>>>>>             <methodType>{$ctx:methodType}</methodType>
>>>>>>>             <contentType>{$ctx:contentType}</contentType>
>>>>>>>             <bucketName>{$ctx:bucketName}</bucketName>
>>>>>>>             <isXAmzDate>{$ctx:isXAmzDate}</isXAmzDate>
>>>>>>>             <contentMD5>{$ctx:contentMD5}</contentMD5>
>>>>>>> <xAmzSecurityToken>{$ctx:xAmzSecurityToken}</xAmzSecurityToken>
>>>>>>>             <region>{$ctx:region}</region>
>>>>>>>             <host>{$ctx:host}</host>
>>>>>>>             <expect>{$ctx:expect}</expect>
>>>>>>>             <contentLength>{$ctx:contentLength}</contentLength>
>>>>>>>             <xAmzMfa>{$ctx:xAmzMfa}</xAmzMfa>
>>>>>>>          </amazons3.init>
>>>>>>>          <amazons3.deleteBucketReplication>
>>>>>>>             <bucketUrl>{$ctx:bucketUrl}</bucketUrl>
>>>>>>>          </amazons3.deleteBucketReplication>
>>>>>>>          <respond/>
>>>>>>>       </inSequence>
>>>>>>>       <outSequence>
>>>>>>>          <respond/>
>>>>>>>       </outSequence>
>>>>>>>    </target>
>>>>>>>    <description/>
>>>>>>> </proxy>
>>>>>>> [5]
>>>>>>> <host>s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com</host>
>>>>>>> <bucketUrl>http://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/testbuckkkbiru
>>>>>>> </bucketUrl>
>>>>>>> [6]
>>>>>>> <Error><Code>RequestTimeout</Code><Message>Your socket connection to
>>>>>>> the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. 
>>>>>>> Idle
>>>>>>> connections will be
>>>>>>> closed.</Message><RequestId>DEEACD868FB28742</RequestId><HostId>zVKD6i4XzrWD7Dh8htoqPrlDypGClgB4SjdCD+4IQz7IkrqP1D7Xt4l+R9DhfsUSEefqZzlZoXo=</HostId></Error>
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Biruntha
>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>> WSO2
>>>>>>> Email: birun...@wso2.com
>>>>>>> LinkedIn: https://lk.linkedin.com/in/biruntha
>>>>>>> Mobile : +94773718986
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Shakila Sasikaran
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> Mobile :+94 (0) 77 526 6848
>>>>>> shak...@wso2.com
>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>>>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>>>>> http://www.wso2.com/
>>>>> --
>>>>> Biruntha
>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>> WSO2
>>>>> Email: birun...@wso2.com
>>>>> LinkedIn: https://lk.linkedin.com/in/biruntha
>>>>> Mobile : +94773718986
>>>> --
>>>> <dev-requ...@wso2.org>
>>>> Keerthika Mahendralingam
>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>> Mobile :+94 (0) 776 121144
>>>> keerth...@wso2.com
>>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>> --
>>> Biruntha
>>> Software Engineer
>>> WSO2
>>> Email: birun...@wso2.com
>>> LinkedIn: https://lk.linkedin.com/in/biruntha
>>> Mobile : +94773718986
>> --
>> <dev-requ...@wso2.org>
>> Keerthika Mahendralingam
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Mobile :+94 (0) 776 121144
>> keerth...@wso2.com
>> WSO2, Inc.
>> lean . enterprise . middleware
> --
> <dev-requ...@wso2.org>
> Keerthika Mahendralingam
> Senior Software Engineer
> Mobile :+94 (0) 776 121144
> keerth...@wso2.com
> WSO2, Inc.
> lean . enterprise . middleware

Keerthika Mahendralingam
Senior Software Engineer
Mobile :+94 (0) 776 121144
WSO2, Inc.
lean . enterprise . middleware
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