Hi Bernard,

If you are changing the default datasource for consent (default is
IDENTITY_DB), make sure you do the ncesary config changes following [1].

[1] -


On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:45 PM Bernard Paris <bernard.pa...@uclouvain.be>

> Hi devs,
> I just installed WSO2 IS 590 with mysql DBs.
> I can create/edit a new service provider entry and it is shown in the
> service providers list.
> When I later try to delete it:
> In the logs :
> > Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table
> 'WSO2IS590_IDENTITY_DB.CM_RECEIPT' doesn't exist
> Strange because the CM_RECEIPT table is being looked up into
> DB WSO2IS590_IDENTITY_DB, while  I see this table in WSO2IS590_CONSENT_DB
> What's the problem ??
> Thanks,
> Bernard Paris
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