Hey gang.

        I'd appreciate it if folks could look at 
https://github.com/apache/yetus/pull/144 . This is, as the summary says, a 
major overhaul of the precommit documentation.  It's something I've been 
banging off and on for something like a year.  The goal was to lower the 
relatively high bar of entry to understanding what test-patch does and what it 
can do. It's a big patch.  There are almost certainly problems.  There's no way 
I'll be able to catch them all... so any help would be great.

        Here are some key things:

* The biggest and most obvious difference is that almost all of the plug-ins 
now have their own documentation page, listing what options those plug-ins 
take. A lot of these options were previously only documented in the --help 
which isn't exactly great experience.  

* Similarly, the robots page has also been broken up.  While there, the GitHub 
Actions information has been updated to cover the current state of the 
yetus-test-patch-action repo.  (GitHub Action is one of the reasons why I want 
to tackle this: we need to give a good impression as a much larger audience 
suddenly becomes aware of our work!)

* It also has (what I feel) is a much better introduction and walk through for 
brand new folks.  The basic page is gone and now broken in half, one talking 
about the more technical bits and the other half is an actual walk through.

* With all of this expansion, the directory structure is now also different.  
Some weblinks that go into in-progress will clearly no longer work.

* TOCs are updated and should be much more correct.

* Reading through the docs, it became obvious that many of the help messages 
were inconsistent.  Some places used file, others path.  Yet others cmd.  I've 
tired to make them consistent so that they are clear as to what is expected.


All that said, I'm sure there are still some things to do and I'm sure people 
will find problems. :)  Depending upon how bad those problems are, we can make 
a decision as to whether this update gets bumped to a future release or we 
commit and iterate or we iterate on this PR.

Looking forward to hearing some feedback!


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