> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Yetus 0.13.0


        At this point, I'm +1.


* Almost all of the regular verification checks passed.  As documented in 
YETUS-1042, the maven source plugin ignores some things when building a 
tarball.  This has been a long standing problem and one we should probably fix 
for the next release.  Of the bits that aren't included, it does break the 
ability to regenerate the website.  I don't think that's enough to kill the 
release though.  [We can likely fix it by using yetus-maven-plugin to create 
the apidocs symlink on the fly though.]

* We've been running main from GitHub actions for a month and haven't noticed 
any significant issues for a very long time.  Biggest issue we're seeing is 
YETUS-1069. It is annoying, but not enough to stop the train, IMHO.

* Dropping GitHub comments in favor of GitHub statuses and GitHub checks 
annotations is a major win.  For long running jobs anything not GitHub Actions, 
it means installing the extra hack  
 but small price to pay.  For my tests on Jenkins, I'm using pretty much what 
is documented on 
http://yetus.apache.org/documentation/in-progress/precommit/robots/jenkins/ .  
Biggest difference is that I'm running it from a container rather than 
extracted out raw.  I suspect that there might be an issue with how Jenkins 
interprets the SHA after yetus has done it's thing to give its own GitHub 
status update, but nothing concrete to stop the release.  If so, it's likely a 
bug in Jenkins and something we would need to work around.

* Enabling Docker BuildKit is shaving lots of time off, which is a nice 
surprise.  I'm still a bit concerned about the cache and whether enabling by 
default was the correct thing but not enough to veto the release.

* I've noticed failures from Cirrus CI that I didn't have before but they are 
very intermittent and also usually against the GitHub org I added.  So suspect 
the problems are actually long-standing and unknown to us.

* Semaphore CI allegedly supports annotations from JUnit but they require the 
JUnit file to be in pytest's interpretation of the XML. It is a bummer it 
doesn't work OOB but that's ok.  It isn't functionality we had before this 
release either.

* golangci-lint can still be finicky but overall it works well enough to keep 
it in the GitHub actions default config.  If that becomes a problem, we can 
always make 0.13.1 release with it taken out.

* YETUS-1073/4/5 are dumb bugs but I'm not convinced they are serious enough to 
block the release.

* YETUS-1060 is a "nice to have" but not enough to block the release, 
especially since it only impacts the summary.  (Problems are generally links to 
the logs if those tests use the new API.)

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