Github user NicolasRouquette commented on the issue: FYI: It is possible to use the R SPARQL package: For example, here's the web interface to ACM's SPARQL endpoint: With Zeppelin, we can do the same thing with two paragraphs: ``` %spark.r library(SPARQL) endpoint <- "" query <- ' PREFIX id: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX akt: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX akt: <> PREFIX akts: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?o } LIMIT 10 ' qd <- SPARQL(endpoint,query) r <- qd$results df <- as.DataFrame(r) registerTempTable(df, "ACM") ``` and: ``` %sql select * from ACM ``` Obviously, this solution lacks SPARQL-language specific syntax highlighting or completion; however, it is very convenient for executing SPARQL queries.