Thanks for raising the discussion, Moon.

How about create a page for these contents like zeppelin videos, articles,
UI design and talks ? And we can encourage users to create ticket for
adding new content. So that we can embrace them into jira
contributor system. And we can create another contributor page which fetch
the contributors info from jira system via api, so that it relieve the
maintenance effort of these contributor list.

moon soo Lee <> 于2019年11月14日周四 上午8:05写道:

> Hi,
> I'd like to have a discussion about recognizing contributors.
> Many people contribute Apache Zeppelin in many different ways,
> One way via code contribution, another way via non-code contributions like
> creating videos, writing articles, UI design, providing talks, and so on.
> I think code contributors are recognized in release notes [1]. Even GitHub
> provides a contributor page [2] that anyone has access to. However,
> non-code contributors are not well recognized today, IMO.
> I believe, recognizing/appreciating all types of contributions really help
> make the community healthy.
> How about have a contributor list in 'Contributors' page [3] on website and
> let contributors add themselves? Maybe it can be looks like the 'Current
> Committers' page [4] on Spark project, but for contributors. Or we can also
> try list contributors in release note [1].
> Or do you have any better ideas and opinions? Please share your thoughts
> about the right way of recognizing contributors.
> Thanks,
> moon
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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