ZEPPELIN-4321 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-4321>

We have implemented the frontend API of Angular.js using the latest
Angular. But the templates some differences
<https://angular.io/guide/ajs-quick-reference> between Angular.js and

So to help users migrate templates, we provide a migration tool that will
be integrated into the Zeppelin web. This is its DEMO
<https://ng1-updater.hsuan.xyz/> it can quickly fix these differences.

We plan to do the following work:

   1. Add a new type "%ng" (official abbreviation) to distinguish between
   Angular.js and Angular templates.
   2. When the user runs a paragraph with the "%angular" type, the upgrade
   dialog will be open.
   3. Upgrade the template in the dialog and click the "Update and Copy"
   4. Automatically create a paragraph of the type  "%ng" template below.

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