Hi Guys,
I'm trying to import a notebook and it didn't worked. Looking at the log,
didn't see any error message, neither in the browser code inspector, the
only message that appeared at the log was this warning:
WARN [2016-04-25 17:23:01,105] ({qtp1301664418-34}
WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.java[textMessageTooLarge]:931) - Text message
too large > 1024000 chars for SCEP@757e7a60{l(/<->r(/,s=1,open=true,ishut=false,oshut=false,rb=false,wb=false,w=true,i=1r}-{WebSocketServletConnectionRFC6455
p=WebSocketParserRFC6455@33730279 state=DATA buffer=
g=WebSocketGeneratorRFC6455@3ad71ba9 closed=false buffer=-1}

My notebook json file has about 1.6mb and after a while I could import it.
To import I have to drop some sql results, which has decreased it size.
After finding the message in the log, it was clear what I should do to
solve the problem, but it would be nice to have a better log message
(error) or a message in the browser pointing me to the notebook import size
Is this an expected behavior?

Kind Regards,

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