---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gavin McDonald <ga...@16degrees.com.au>
Date: Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 7:50 AM
Subject: [NOTICE] - analysis.apache.org closing down 14th January
To: bui...@apache.org
Cc: us...@infra.apache.org

Hi All,

This notice is to inform you that our seperate Sonar instance at
analysis.apache.org <http://analysis.apache.org/> will be closed down and
turned off on the 14th January 2017. So in a month from now.

BUT! - There is Good News too!

We have a replacement!.

Instead of the current Sonar that requires a seperate Jenkins installation
that practically nobody has access to , and needs to
be maintained as an extra service by Infra, we have created a new Sonar
instance that ties into LDAP and ties into the main
builds.apache.org <http://builds.apache.org/> Jenkins instance.!

What does that mean for you? Well, you get to configure and maintain your
own Sonar jobs using the existing Jenkins jobs
you already have (or write new ones). You also get automatic permissions to
manage your Sonar analysis results.
  It also means self-serve, no more having to create INFRA Jira tickets to
have jobs added or altered or fixed (unless you
are really stuck of course!)

Where is this new replacement? I want to get on it now! - Well, its at
https://builds.apache.org/analysis <https://builds.apache.org/analysis> -
its early days yet and
not many projects to look at, but feel free to get started and get adding
your own. I’ll get some docs done soon so keep an
ear out on the bui...@apache.org <mailto:bui...@apache.org> mailing list
for those. But it should be as easy as adding a sonar runner step to your
and/or using a sonar:sonar mvn target etc.

For those projects currently using analysis.apache.org <
http://analysis.apache.org/> - YOU need to migrate over to the new
self-serve system! You have 4 weeks
to make the move over before we turn off the old system for good.

Plugins: If you find the new service lacks a feature or plugin, file an
INFRA ticket and we will add it ASAP.

What will happen to the analysis.apache.org <http://analysis.apache.org/>
DNS - thanks for asking! We will have it redirect to the new instance over
builds.apache.org/analysis <http://builds.apache.org/analysis> .

Questions? Im sure you have some, please send all your queries to the main
bui...@apache.org <mailto:bui...@apache.org> mailing list or file an INFRA
ticket if you get really stuck and builds@a.o <mailto:builds@a.o> is of no
help. Again, if you need to reply to this mail, reply-to bui...@apache.org
only please - I am not on your PMCs private list.

Thanks and good luck, enjoy the new service.

Gav… (ASF Infra)

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://zest.apache.org - New Energy for Java

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