
########################## LAST 60 LINES OF THE CONSOLE 
[...truncated 1122 lines...]
A         README.txt
A         test-patch
A         test-patch/
At revision 1155988
No emails were triggered.
[ZooKeeper-trunk] $ /bin/bash /tmp/

CLEAN: cleaning workspace

Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
  We cannot execute /home/hudson/tools/java/latest1.6/bin/java

BUILD: ant hudson-test-trunk -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes 
-Dfindbugs.home=${FINDBUGS_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} 

Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
  We cannot execute /home/hudson/tools/java/latest1.6/bin/java

STORE: saving artifacts

mv: cannot stat `build/*.tar.gz': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `build/*.jar': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `build/test/findbugs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `build/docs/api': No such file or directory
Build Failed
[FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Recording fingerprints
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
Publishing Javadoc
Updating ZOOKEEPER-1090
Updating ZOOKEEPER-1138
Updating ZOOKEEPER-1139
Updating ZOOKEEPER-1076
Publishing Clover coverage report...
No Clover report will be published due to a Build Failure
Email was triggered for: Failure
Sending email for trigger: Failure

############################## FAILED TESTS (if any) 
No tests ran.

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