
Upfront warning. I am not in charge of ZooKeeper or affiliated with them except 
for submitting patches. 

While I understand the power of Scala, what is the major benefit of changing 
all of the Java code over to Scala? Will this outweigh the decrease in skill 
sets that a language such as Java brings? Another technology called Kafka is 
written in Scala. It doesn't have anywhere near the support of ZooKeeper. I 
attribute most of that to it being written in Scala, which reduces the pool of 
developers that can or are willing to work on it.

If your university will truly enhance ZooKeeper I would ask, in an unofficial 
capacity, to ensure there is a strong line of separation between items 1 and 
2&3. Also keep in mind that I have run FindBugs on ZK myself. Some of the fixes 
will break backwards compatibility. Just be aware of that fact. 

It is my opinion (could it not be my opinion?) that a C# version that is 
capable of running on Mono would benefit the community more than a Scala 

My 2 cents,


On Sep 2, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:

> Hi,
> my university labs work has started yesterday. In the next two months I'll 
> work on ZooKeeper. This work has three major goals
> - improve the maintainability of the code base
> - migrate ZooKeeper to scala and use actors for reliable concurrency
> - find other developers to collaborate on the scala version
> I plan to work in these steps:
> 1. use static analysis tools to cleanup the java codebase
>    ( checkstyle, pmd, findbugs, eclipse compiler warnings )
> 2. decrease dependencies in the ZK java packages, break cyclic dependencies
> 3. migrate components one-by-one to scala, starting with the leafs of the 
> dependency graph
> I'd be happy if as much as possible of my work in steps 1. and 2. could also 
> be useful for you. What would be a good strategy to go? I assume you're 
> concentrating now on getting 3.4 out and don't have time for other things. 
> Can 
> I help on 3.4 blockers?
> I've set up a gerrit[1] (git based code review) and a jenkins[2] server for 
> my 
> project. Jenkins is armed with checkstyle, findbugs, pmd, 
> copy-paste-detection 
> and jdepends. I've carefully selected the checks run by checkstyle and pmd 
> and 
> would suggest that the remaining warnings should really be eliminated.
> Gerrit already hosts two changesets which eliminate nearly all eclipse 
> compiler warnings. I'd be happy if you'd like to create an account at the 
> gerrit instance (openid needed) and play around with it. I can also give you 
> reviewer status which lets you push changes. Every change push will trigger a 
> jenkins build.
> I've already proposed to infra@a.o that I'd help in setting up a gerrit 
> server 
> for the ASF if any project would be interested.
> [1]
> [2]
> Best regards,
> Thomas Koch,

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