> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Thomas Koch <tho...@koch.ro> wrote:>> there 
> has been a discussion in December about a developer meeting, where>> you>> 
> also wanted to discuss the roadmap for ZK, but when I checked now, I>> 
> couldn't>> find a fixed date.>>

It's fine to discuss the roadmap on list. We should only be making
decisions on list regardless. Last I heard from Mahadev he was
coordinating the meetup for sometime this month or early next.

>> Is there any planning for a meeting or an agreed future direction for ZK?

My personal preferences are:
1) stabilize 3.4
2) release 3.5.0 before july1, including:
a) move to maven
b) continue refactoring, esp to support 2c
c) improve testing coverage (note that our current coverage has been
slipping of late)
d) improve scalability - from 10k clients/ensemble to 100k or more

I would say the "theme" for 3.5 would be "reduce debt, increase scalability".

We should also focus more on mentoring new committers. This would help
with reducing the time it takes from getting a patch until the patch
is resolved (ie rejected or committed)

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Camille Fournier <cami...@apache.org> wrote:
> What are the features that we know about that we'd like to have in 3.5, and
> when do we want to aim for a 3.5 release? I think trying to get something
> out in the early summer timeframe would be nice, possibly earlier depending
> on the feature list.

I don't see new features as a priority, of course if people are
interested to work on that great, if it's ready we would include it.

> Off the top of my head, I want to work on the monitoring/4lw connection
> rewrite. We also have https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-702,
> which we backburnered till after 3.4... that's going to be a bit of work
> for someone to rework into the current code base.

A lot of debt around 4lw. 702 would be nice to see go in.


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