On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Warren Turkal <w...@ooyala.com> wrote:
> I'm sure this is a really newbie type question, but I couldn't find docs on
> how to do this.
> I am researching making a pluggable auth module. Is there any way to access
> data in zookeeper nodes from a pluggable auth module? I'd like to store the
> auth data within a collection of zookeeper nodes.

We don't provide for this. Wouldn't you need auth for those znodes in
order to provide auth? Seems like a circular problem...

Perhaps open a client connection from the auth provider itself? (i'm
not sure if this would work, I don't think anyone ever tried it)

> Also, I've been unable to send message to this list from another email
> address. I keep getting bounces claiming that the message is spammy. Is
> anyone else getting rejected similarly?

I haven't heard anything like that. You might check with the Apache
infra team, they manage the mailing lists (outside regular


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