This is very nice haiping fu, thanks!

I'd suggest that you reference from our client binding page:
Of late we've been pointing to projects such as yours, rather than
adding to contrib, it's just not manageable in the large.



On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 11:58 PM, haiping fu <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>     I have make a Lua binding for apache zookeeper these days(I call it
> zklua), it seems everything works fine to me and I have finished most of
> the APIs binding(except for two zookeeper_interest() and
> zookeeper_process(), which are not that useful in lua in my opinion), the
> zklua consists of synchronous and asynchronous APIs as well as some useful
> auxiliary function. you may take a look at zklua in my github repos:
> I am wondering what I can do to make zklua to be a contrib of zookeeper
> like zkpython or zkperl. If anyone knows please helps me(any helpful links
> would be appreciated ;-)), I will try best to improve zklua (coding style,
> more tests, docs, examples) and I'm also very pleased to contribute my code
> to zookeeper, thanks in advance.
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