Hello there,
We have been extensively testing Netty connection versus NIIO and there are 
some issues that show up I wanted to get community response on.
In the process of testing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-2509 
fix we identified that sendResponse() method may try to do some operations 
after close() was invoked - as channel.close() in Netty is asynch. and 
subsequently lead to some NPE.
NPE itself is not a good thing but the problems aggravates with the fact that 
propagation of NPE will lead to main processing thread exiting and at that 
point ZK server becomes unresponsive - since no requests will be processed 
In NIOServerCnxn.java in sendResponse() it is catching Exception and just logs 
a warning  which was added as part of 
I am trying to understand what a behavior should be in case of any exception in 
Any insight would be highly appreciated

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