Hey Eyal,

Thanks for reporting this issue and producing a patch. We actually have some 
guidelines for contributing described here:


Could you please report and provide your patch as described here?


> On 07 Oct 2016, at 07:17, Eyal Leshem <eyal.les...@imperva.com> wrote:
> hi all , 
> I am new in this mailing-list - 
> and i joined  because i think a find a bug ,  and i want to know what  is 
> procedure for fixing it. 
> the bug is in the c binding - when you use  "zoo_remove_watchers" ,
> and it's can cause to someone that use this function to delete other watch - 
> and not the one he mean to delete.
> The actual problem is in the function "removeWatcherFromList" - 
> That when we check if we need to delete the watch -  we compare the 
> WatcherCtx to one node before the one we want to delete.. 
> a suggested patch is attached .. 
> thanks a lot, 
> eyal   
> <zookeeper_remove_watch.patch>

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