My suggestion is that we get this in and let it sit for a couple of weeks 
before cutting an RC. Alternatively, we could cut an RC and just give more time 
than the typical 2 weeks for people to test.


> On 29 Nov 2016, at 17:23, Patrick Hunt <> wrote:
> I did a bunch of manual testing last week. I tried running multiple cluster
> sizes, tried running new server against old server, also went through the
> rolling upgrade testing part of the document and that worked fine. afaict
> at this point we're ready to commit. If there are any concerns please speak
> up now as I intend to commit this soon.
> Patrick
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Patrick Hunt <> wrote:
>> As Flavio said originally on this thread this is a big change. Based on
>> the current status of the patch and the testing feedback it seems like
>> we've done significant work to ensure the quality of the change. Do folks
>> feel that there has been sufficient review/testing that we can commit this
>> and cut a 3.5.10 release? If not what specifically is left?
>> Patrick
>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Andrew Purtell <>
>> wrote:
>>>> My view on this-> Since ZK server
>>>> already has "jaas.config" in place for client-server auth, IMHO to
>>> continue
>>> Right, also build the client-server authentication context
>>> programatically.
>>>> How about pushing the current
>>>> approach as a first step and based on the community interests later we
>>>> could enhance this feature by programmatically builds the JAAS context.
>>> Yes, this is what I was suggesting.
>>> Thanks for considering the idea.
>>>> 1) A bad host or bad Kerb principal is keep on trying to establish
>>>> connection with the Quorum.
>>>> 2) Trigger FLE several times.
>>> Let me get back to you.
>>> I think it would also not be difficult to create a new unit test that
>>> extends ​QuorumHammerTest (like ObserverQuorumHammerTest), sets up a
>>> secure
>>> configuration using the minikdc, and then uses QuorumBase methods to start
>>> and stop quorum peers at random while the generated load is hitting the
>>> quorum.
>>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 7:15 AM, Rakesh Radhakrishnan <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks a lot Andrew Purtell for your time and comments.
>>>>>>>>> I like how Hadoop programmatically builds the JAAS context from its
>>>>>>>>> configuration such that the JAAS configuration file and definition
>>> of
>>>>>>>>> system property pointing to same are not needed. Would be nice if
>>> ZK
>>>> could
>>>>>>>>> optionally do the same, that would be one fewer config file to get
>>>>>>>>> precisely right.
>>>> Its really an interesting thought. My view on this-> Since ZK server
>>>> already has "jaas.config" in place for client-server auth, IMHO to
>>> continue
>>>> with this jaas config and allows to configure the 'QuorumServer' &
>>>> 'QuorumLearner' quorum auth sections. How about pushing the current
>>>> approach as a first step and based on the community interests later we
>>>> could enhance this feature by programmatically builds the JAAS context.
>>>> Does this makes sense to you?
>>>>>>>> Any suggestions on some kind of hammer test to apply now ?
>>>> 1) A bad host or bad Kerb principal is keep on trying to establish
>>>> connection with the Quorum. Mostly this will increase the load on
>>> Leader ZK
>>>> server and observe how the system behaves.
>>>> 2) Trigger FLE several times. This can be done by finding out newly
>>> elected
>>>> Leader and kill it. Probably can do this many times.
>>>> Dear Committers,
>>>> Could you please help me pushing ZOOKEEPER-2479 this in. This would
>>> help to
>>>> evaluate the time taken for FLE(enable or disable auth) and used to
>>> compare
>>>> time taken in several runs programatically in scripts or so. Thanks!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Rakesh
>>>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Andrew Purtell <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I would like to relay a working example of a patched 3.4.9 ZK cluster
>>>>> running on one host (without containers). I can confirm mutual SASL
>>> auth
>>>>> among the quorum is required and enforced because when instances were
>>>>> slightly misconfigured with incorrect principal strings they couldn't
>>>>> participate in the quorum.
>>>>> 1. Assign extra loopback addresses. Example below is what you need to
>>> do
>>>>> for FreeBSD:
>>>>> $ sudo ifconfig lo0 netmask alias
>>>>> $ sudo ifconfig lo0 netmask alias
>>>>> $ sudo ifconfig lo0 netmask alias
>>>>> 2. Create Kerberos principals. Example below is for Heimdal, MIT will
>>> be
>>>>> similar:
>>>>> $ sudo kadmin -l
>>>>>> add --random-key zookeeper
>>>>>> add --random-key zookeeper/
>>>>>> add --random-key zookeeper/
>>>>>> add --random-key zookeeper/
>>>>>> ext_keytab --keytab /var/tmp/test/zookeeper.keytab zookeeper
>>>>>> ext_keytab --keytab /var/tmp/test/zookeeper.keytab zookeeper/
>>>>>> ext_keytab --keytab /var/tmp/test/zookeeper.keytab zookeeper/
>>>>>> ext_keytab --keytab /var/tmp/test/zookeeper.keytab zookeeper/
>>>>>> exit
>>>>> 3. Patch ZK with 1045, build a tarball, then unpack it into three
>>> install
>>>>> directories. Mine are /var/tmp/test/{1,2,3}.
>>>>> 4. Initialize 'myid' files:
>>>>> $ mkdir /var/tmp/test/1/data
>>>>> $ echo 1 > /var/tmp/test/1/data/myid
>>>>> $ mkdir /var/tmp/test/2/data
>>>>> $ echo 2 > /var/tmp/test/2/data/myid
>>>>> $ mkdir /var/tmp/test/3/data
>>>>> $ echo 3 > /var/tmp/test/3/data/myid
>>>>> 5. Create configuration files for each instance. Below are examples
>>> for
>>>>> instance 1. You will need to make substitutions for your Kerberos
>>> realm
>>>>> (mine is LOCAL), and for instances 2 and 3 change the path to the JAAS
>>>>> configuration file, path to data directory, and bind address for
>>>>> clientPortAddress as appropriate.
>>>>> conf/java.env:
>>>>> export
>>>>> JVMFLAGS="
>>>> test/1/conf/jaas.conf
>>>>> conf/jaas.conf:
>>>>> QuorumServer {
>>>>> required
>>>>>  useKeyTab=true
>>>>>  keyTab="/var/tmp/test/zookeeper.keytab"
>>>>>  storeKey=true
>>>>>  useTicketCache=false
>>>>>  debug=false
>>>>>  principal="zookeeper/";
>>>>> };
>>>>> QuorumLearner {
>>>>> required
>>>>>  useKeyTab=true
>>>>>  keyTab="/var/tmp/test/zookeeper.keytab"
>>>>>  storeKey=true
>>>>>  useTicketCache=false
>>>>>  debug=false
>>>>>  principal="zookeeper/";
>>>>> };
>>>>> conf/zoo.cfg:
>>>>> tickTime=2000
>>>>> initLimit=10
>>>>> syncLimit=5
>>>>> dataDir=/var/tmp/test/zk/1/data
>>>>> clientPort=2181
>>>>> clientPortAddress=
>>>>> quorum.auth.enableSasl=true
>>>>> quorum.auth.learnerRequireSasl=true
>>>>> quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=true
>>>>> quorum.auth.learner.loginContext=QuorumLearner
>>>>> quorum.auth.server.loginContext=QuorumServer
>>>>> quorum.auth.kerberos.servicePrincipal=zookeeper/_HOST
>>>>> server.1=
>>>>> server.2=
>>>>> server.3=
>>>>> 5. Launch the three instances in the foreground in separate terminals.
>>>>> Example for instance 1:
>>>>> $ cd /var/tmp/test/1
>>>>> $ bash ./bin/ start-foreground
>>>>> Having done all this, I can see successful authentication and
>>> bootstrap
>>>> of
>>>>> a quorum.
>>>>> This example shares a keytab. No need to do that if you'd like to be
>>>>> pedantic. Clone the keytab file into the separate conf directories and
>>>>> update the jaas.conf files.
>>>>> I like how Hadoop programmatically builds the JAAS context from its
>>>>> configuration such that the JAAS configuration file and definition of
>>>>> system property pointing to same are not needed. Would be nice if ZK
>>>> could
>>>>> optionally do the same, that would be one fewer config file to get
>>>>> precisely right.
>>>>> Any suggestions on some kind of hammer test to apply now ?
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 7:34 AM, Flavio Junqueira <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Michael Han posted an update to the test plan to the jira and I
>>> want to
>>>>>> call the attention of the community to it. It is a big change that
>>> we
>>>>> need
>>>>>> to be extra careful about because it is supposed to go to the 3.4
>>>> branch.
>>>>>> It'd be great to have more folks in the community involved with the
>>>>>> testing. If you have cycles and interest, please help with testing.
>>>>>> -Flavio
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>   - Andy
>>>>> Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet
>>> Hein
>>>>> (via Tom White)
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>>   - Andy
>>> Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
>>> (via Tom White)

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