I thought we were moving to Maven at some point. Did that get sidelined?


> On May 5, 2017, at 6:02 PM, Michael Han <h...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Is this proposal intended to use BUCK to replace ant someday, or just add
> BUCK as an alternative build system? I thought it's not replacing ant, but
> I want double check, because choosing a build system vs support multiple
> build system are different topics.
> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Patrick White <pwh...@fb.com> wrote:
>> My bad, I'll clarify.
>> Internally, we build and test with buck, but we don't worry about the
>> bin,conf,share,etc folders. So it's a thing that is possible (and I'll
>> certainly do it if there's interest) we just haven't put effort behind it
>> because... well we don't use it that way.
>> re: jenkins. uhhhh... I'll have to get back to you on that one. (never
>> used it, but I'll go download it and see what shakes loose)
>> ________________________________
>> From: Camille Fournier <cami...@apache.org>
>> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 2:11:15 PM
>> To: dev@zookeeper.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Ever considered using buck to build?
>> Did you... Just list as a con that actually it currently won't work?
>> Does it work on Jenkins?
>> On May 5, 2017 4:51 PM, "Patrick White" <pwh...@fb.com> wrote:
>>> Howdy! I'm Patrick from the core systems team at Facebook, and I work on
>>> ZooKeeper and ZooKeeper accessories all day long.
>>> Proposal: I want to add BUCK files to the zookeeper source tree.
>>> Hear me out:
>>> TL; DR - I want to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions on the matter.
>>> At Facebook, we use buck (buckbuild.com) to build everything. Buck turns
>>> out to be a really nice build system. It's easy to set up and super
>> fast. I
>>> love buck.
>>> Ben put together some nice BUCK files that we use internally to build
>>> zookeeper and zkcli. Since we're already working to sync back with
>>> upstream, we'd love to get them in.
>>> Pros:
>>> Buck files are a lot easier to work with than maven, ant, or anything
>> else
>>> Buck's fast
>>> These files do absolutely nothing for or against people who want to use
>>> maven or ant
>>> 'java_binary' generates a single executable file containing all the jars
>>> Cons:
>>> Not one of the "conventional" java build systems
>>> BUCK files laying around are just trash for people not interested in them
>>> Doesn't currently generate the typical layout of bin, conf, share, etc.
>>>  - *currently*, it could probably be done
>>> Thanks,
>>> Patrick
> -- 
> Cheers
> Michael.

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