Thank you Tamaas,
Do you have a staging site for easy preview?


Il mer 14 nov 2018, 23:36 Tamas Penzes <> ha

> Hi All,
> I've done a few changes on the ZooKeeper website to eliminate any need of
> installed additional software when generating the static web content.
> In the meantime I've thought it's a good idea to refresh the site's design.
> First I've tried to apply a similar styling as Apache HBase site has, but I
> was not satisfied with the result. Afterwards I've refactored the styling
> to use the newest Bootstrap with a simple but elegant and fully responsive
> design. I like the result and am curious if you feel the same.
> Based on the output of the following site (
> ) I've also added an
> events page with the two most recent events. It would be a good idea to
> continuously maintain this page.
> Please give me feedback on my PR:
> In the same time it would be good to know if I need any permit from the PMC
> for such a change or if a committer likes it he/she can commit it?
> If the feedbacks are positive I'd like to apply the same design for the
> documentation.
> Thanks, Tamaas

-- Enrico Olivelli

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