Isn’t this a “no true Scotsman” argument? By this definition any eventually 
consistent system can never be considered linearizable. Right?

Jordan Zimmerman

> On Aug 18, 2019, at 1:47 PM, Karolos Antoniadis <> wrote:
> Hi Jordan,
> When Aphyr tested ZooKeeper, he did not seem to know that it is not
> linearizable. See here:, where
> I pointed-out that even with *sync + read*, ZooKeeper might return stale
> data.
> ZooKeeper can only be considered linearizable if we assume that specific
> timing constraints apply. Naturally, in a real system, we cannot make such
> assumptions if we want to be 100% safe.
> For instance, if the time(TCP timeout) > (syncLimit * tickTime), ZooKeeper
> provides linearizable reads. However, if this does not hold (e..g, skewed
> clocks), then ZooKeeper might return stale data.
> To conclude, I do not think we can argue that ZooKeeper is linearizable.
> Cheers,
> Karolos
> On Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 11:34, Jordan Zimmerman <>
> wrote:
>> ZooKeeper _is_ linearizable. I’m pretty sure the ZAB paper talks about it.
>> Aphyr does as well here:
>> ====================
>> Jordan Zimmerman
>>> On Aug 18, 2019, at 1:23 PM, Karolos Antoniadis <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I was wondering on the exact consistency guarantees that ZooKeeper
>> provides.
>>> It seems that ZooKeeper does not provide strong consistency (i.e.,
>>> linearizability) since reads could potentially return arbitrarily old
>>> values.
>>> On the other hand, ZooKeeper provides sequential consistency, since the
>>> order of operations of a specific client is respected and all operations
>>> appear to take place in some total order (
>>> However, ZooKeeper provides linearizable writes, and therefore it
>> provides
>>> something stronger than sequential consistency, but still not as strong
>> as
>>> linearizability. In other words, ZooKeeper guarantees are somewhere
>> between
>>> sequential consistency and linearizability.
>>> Is there a specific name for the specific consistency guarantees that
>>> ZooKeeper provides?
>>> What would the ZooKeeper community claim about the consistency guarantees
>>> of ZooKeeper?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Karolos

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