Hi zk guys:
Happy New Year, Good luck to your 2020.
IMHO it's a good time to look back the community work of the past year(2019) at 
the beginning of this new year.
Forgive my this letter, please let me share some my private and humble 
In retrospect 2019, these new things have happened[1]:
  Apache Software Foundation(ASF) 2019 "top 5" projects
  Three new releases: 3.5.6, 3.5.5, 3.4.14
  292 Commits. raise 97% comparing to 2018(148 Commits)
  79375 Lines added, 44392 Lines removed.
  One new PMC: Andor Molnar; Three new Committers: Enrico Olivelli, Norbert 
Kalmar, Brian Nixon
  60 contributors. Top 5 contributors[2]: Enrico Olivelli, maoling, Jie Huang, 
Brian Nixon, Andor Molnar

Correct me if I have something wrong above, supplement me if I forget something.
Please join this email thread to share your story. e.g: what great changes do 
you want zookeeper community make, what's your expectations of zookeeper 
community at this new year?
Notes:[1] The statistics are generated by GitStats, download mail attachment to 
explore more(view index.html)[2] Ranking by commits number

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