Honestly I think that using is not so useful.
I find it very useful that the configuration is the same on every peer,
except from myid file
What's the real gain in such configuration?


Il Mar 18 Feb 2020, 10:32 Szalay-Bekő Máté <szalay.beko.m...@gmail.com> ha

> Hi All,
> in a recent PR I try to fix an issue we found with Suhas Dantkale in
> ZOOKEEPER-2146 (see https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/pull/1254). The
> problem is that in ZooKeeper 3.5+ some quorum members can not rejoin to the
> quorum after a restart if the server configs are set like this:
> zoo.cfg in server 1:
> server.1=
> server.2=some.fqdn-2.com:2888:3888
> server.3=some.fqdn-3.com:2888:3888
> zoo.cfg in server 2:
> server.1=some.fqdn-1.com:2888:3888
> server.2=
> server.3=some.fqdn-3.com:2888:3888
> I am not exactly sure about the use case behind this config, but people
> claim they need it for specific dockerized environments (see the comments
> in the jira ticket). Is anyone familiar with such use cases? We never used
> such configs in production as far as I can tell.
> The above config worked without a problem in ZooKeeper 3.4.x, but not
> perfectly for 3.5.x. It would be logical to keep supporting it. Still, I
> think after the introduction of the dynamic reconfig, we kind of assume
> that all the servers have the same server address configurations. So maybe
> the config is not even valid anymore?
> Using the 'quorumListenOnAllIPs' config property instead the in the
> configs might solve the issue. But if it is the case, then we definitely
> should highlight this in the wiki / documentation. Maybe even printing out
> a warning during ZooKeeper startup.
> What do you think?
> Kind regards,
> Mate

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